Try drawing your name or some other text you care about into deep space using one-point perspective. Start with a straight-on view of your name, then extend lines from the corners to a single vanishing point to create depth. This extrudes a flat front plane into a three-dimensional form.
Deadline - submit by Mar 05, 2025 for a chance to be in the critique video!
I was not that motivated for this one. Just writing my name did not feel that exciting to me and I have done some one point perspective drawings before so just doing letters felt too easy. It was not! It required a lot of thinking to get right and it turns out letters are quite good to use because you automatically get a variety of different shapes to practice with.
Anyway here is my name where I used a ruler and then 20 freehand sketches.
These were a lot of fun. Ran into some interesting design problems where it would look better to consider more carefully where the walls of the extruded shapes fall in relation to the edges of the main shapes. Some edges lined up too closely to the perspective lines to look good.
This was surprisingly more difficult (for me) when the angles of my name didn't want to disappear correctly haha! That was unexpected problem solving I had to do. Onto the next assignment!
I find the ones, where the vanishing point is "inside" (?) not very believable. Ok, done by a beginner by hand, which might be the most suitable explanation why. Or is it more readable if I'd put the vanishing point not straight in the middle?
Your shading creates the effect of it being an "interior" instead of an object. When the vanishing point is directly behind the cross in 1point perspective, we wouldn't see any of the 3D effect because it's all behind the front plane. The back plane is becoming visually smaller as it goes back in space. Having the vanishing point off to the side allows us to see the side planes.
Using the isometric grid was fun. In the second image: the name by which my mother used to call me. I thought a Fraktur font would be nice, but it was a bit of a challenge.
Here is my basic attempt at doing the perspective mame. I did a basic font style and did one that extends into infinity and one that stops after a short depth.
Hey Marshall 😊
Here is my assignment for this one point perspective exercise...
I couldn't resist to try with two point also, as I found this exercise really fun, and made variations with subjects I love 👍🏻
This is probably all I can do for now. I would try to make one more before the 5th. But what can you see needs work here? (Besides the clean-up) And of my roughs which one you like the better?
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Draw Your Name in One-Point Perspective
Try drawing your name or some other text you care about into deep space using one-point perspective. Start with a straight-on view of your name, then extend lines from the corners to a single vanishing point to create depth. This extrudes a flat front plane into a three-dimensional form.
Deadline - submit by Mar 05, 2025 for a chance to be in the critique video!