Critique - One-Point Letters
Critique - One-Point Letters
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Critique - One-Point Letters

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Critique - One-Point Letters

Course In Progress
Marshall Vandruff
Time for another critique! In this one, I review your “One-Point Letters” submissions. Highlighting student work, peer feedback, and practical problem-solving techniques.
Hello Marshall, Thank you so much for your feedback on my work 🥰 I tried to correct my assignment following your razor-sharp advice. I hope this time I get it... I don’t know why I wanted to make it with only 2 vanishing points, but I must be tired because I was visibly unable to keep it vertically straight. It is so much better with 3 clear vanishing points! Thank you again 👍🏻🤭
As usual, great critique video with spot on explanations and a lot to learn from everyone's exercices. It's funny because when I was in art high school at the end of the '90s, I often found critiques not very helpful because teachers back then were more focused on conceptual art than anything else and not really into the technical aspect of drawing. Thus I had to realize by myself my own flaws and improve as I could. I know I am still very much on my way to be a better artist but now for the first time in a long time, I finally feel like improving again. So yeah, about Hans's arguement, some things in art can definitely be learnt by trail and error, but some things cannot and having such a great course neatly explained is just priceless. Super grateful to be able to follow this course!
Carlos Javier Roo Soto
Thanks for the advice Marshall.
Stevie Roder
It was such a joy to watch the whole Critique in one sitting. Thanks so much, Marshall, for including my piece again after a while in this one, as well as the wonderful advice on how to better myself with the One Pointing letters in perceptiveness. I also highly enjoyed the advice my fellow classmates gave me and will apply what was given to good practice in the future. I am looking forward to more fun assignments that will be coming forth in future lessons.
Randy Pontillo
If you came to me 10 years ago and told me my wish list would be full of books, id laugh at you. Ive been interested in The Einstein Factor for a while now.
Same! :)
Amani Noor (Amu)
Thanks for the critique Marshall! I've got to learn to check my work before I ink it! I didn't even notice it was misspelled until after I posted the project.
Shayan Shahbazi
I love math, I have been tutoring math.The things we learn in calculated art appear not to be mathematic but we use math to measure the distance, finding center line, finding the angles and many other circumstances. Nevertheless, it can seem like mathematics and art are not explaining the same thing in the real world, but when we get deep in to both with an empty cup, we can actually see one uses the other to explain with sensible reasoning, the same way both of these maters use words to explain for the audience. Furthermore, math and art are two discovered subjects that stream in our life and like a spiderweb that catches shiny drops of water math and art make an eye catching web as well. Same as math that you solve a problem on each step you make the image appear on your paper by each line and dot. However all of this is based on my opinion and the things I learned along the way of studying and torturing math, art, chemistry, and English.
Renee Ing Akana
I learned a lot in this critique! Thank you so much everyone.
So the drill has been replaced by a very heavy looking Anchor. I feel Sunk ! " Figure Out" - Does this expression mensa you used mathematics? Marshall thanks for sharing the critiques.
Sita Rabeling
Thank you soooo much for your critique, Marshall! I gave the 2-names-thing another try immediately and got the idea now. And I enjoyed watching the beautiful work of other students here in your video! Amazing.
Sita Rabeling
- and I loved that little animation :)
Johannes S.
I am so proud that I finally managed to contribute to a video in this course! lol
I'm off the the optician tomorrow Johannes. S :)
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