Tara Kate
Tara Kate
Corvallis, OR
Natural history illustrator
Activity Feed
Christopher Knibbs
I probably went a little too hard on the grid-making, but it was fun to reacquaint myself with the tools! This was great practice in working in stages! I feel like I could have/should have applied myself more in the optical illusion part of the assignment… may go back and do something more challenging.
Tara Kate
Wow! These are really impressive. Great job!
Hey Marshall 😊 Here is my assignment for this one point perspective exercise... I couldn't resist to try with two point also, as I found this exercise really fun, and made variations with subjects I love πŸ‘πŸ»
Tara Kate
Another Pink Floyd fan here. Well done!
Goals: 1) Respect for the process and the ability to follow through on an idea. 2) Planning and the ability to bring ideas into reality through the stages and workflow Marchell has demonstrated so far. 3) No longer using the excuse of "I'm not good enough to do that idea" or "I need to master a certain skill before I try that." These goals are not fully related to perspective, but from what I've done in the course so far, it’s definitely helping with them. The images i chose are those that made me go "Wish i was able to do that!".
Tara Kate
No longer using the excuse of "I'm not good enough to do that idea" or "I need to master a certain skill before I try that." πŸ’―πŸ’―πŸ’― Great goals and amazing images. Thanks for sharing, Darren!
Tara Kate
Ian Fennelly Paul Heaston
A touch of watercolor is amazing
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