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added comment inCritique - One-Point Letters
Hello Marshall,
Thank you so much for your feedback on my work 🥰
I tried to correct my assignment following your razor-sharp advice.
I hope this time I get it... I don’t know why I wanted to make it with only 2 vanishing points, but I must be tired because I was visibly unable to keep it vertically straight. It is so much better with 3 clear vanishing points!
Thank you again 👍🏻🤭
And a last study 🤗
It is an old piggy bank that my mother have absolutely love it since I am a child
Such a cute piggy, these are great drawings. I think in the side view you wouldn't be able to see the back legs as they are lined up with the front (side) ones.
Submitting my second orthos study of a vintage dual-blade French herb chopper.
This one tested my ability to balance symmetry (those mirrored blades!) and organic curves (the swooping arch between handles).
Will certainly do more because I love the process of making these studies 👍🏻
Hi Marshall,
I’m excited to share my orthos study assignment for the perspective course! I chose an old coffee pot as my subject to practice breaking down complex curves, ellipses, and proportions into simplified orthographic views.
This exercise really pushed me to analyze spatial relationships and alignment, especially with the pot’s angled spout and handle.
I will do more studies like this one 👍🏻✨
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Here are my melted pancakes 😆
I had a lot of fun doing this exercise, which I will definitely do again in the future!
It's a great way to boost creativity, so happy to know it, thank you very much for all these high quality videos
Hey Marshall 😊
Here is my assignment for this one point perspective exercise...
I couldn't resist to try with two point also, as I found this exercise really fun, and made variations with subjects I love 👍🏻
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Hi Marshall 👋🏻
I haven't had much time this month to work on the exercise, so unfortunately, I could only complete this small drawing. I hope it's not too late to submit it.
Bye ✨
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Here is my modest contribution for this little challenge :)
Thank you all for what you are doing, you guys can't imagine how much you are helping me with all your awesome videos, such a great inspirational ressource, i love watching the proko channel on youtube, as well as the draftsmen podcast... Thank you so much
I sticked with the 30 minutes for all the 3 drawings ("setting" and miscellaneous include) :)
hello !
This exercice gave me the excuse to dig through my favorite art books once again 🥳
There are so much beautiful / masterful painting to see, it was so difficult to choose which one I would analyse.
What I saw during doing this is that there is always a little bit of the 5 ways to create depht in a picture, but the accent is frequently put on 2 - 3 ways and not all 5 at the same time. (exemple : overlap, diminution, atmospheric perspective.). That gave me ideas of what to choose to have a winning composition :D
Tried to make the images as readable as I can (not a pro of graphic tablet/photoshop) :)
Thank you Marshall for this lesson and exercice, I just loved (!) doing it