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Nikki De Backer
Hi, my name is Nikki and my goal is to learn exaggerated perspective for animation and to learn to use perspective creatively in storyboard for good visual storytelling. My favourite artists are: - Richard Williams: I love how he can move the camera freely in his traditional animations. His characters have so much volume and life even when stylised. - Satoshi Kon: He has a more realistic style and I love the way he uses perspective and movement to tell his stories. Very dynamic and great shot transitions! - Megumi Ishitani: I love Oda his perspective in One Piece but I was blown away when I saw Ishitani her directing of One Piece episodes. Her use of perspective and colour is very dynamic and playful and I absolutely love it! - Juanjo Guarnido: I really love his cinematic approach to still images and the detail in his panels. There are a lot more artists (especially animators) that I love but these four capture the direction I want to go in right now.
Ah how did I not think about Guarnido ! Really love his work with watercolor for the Blacksad serie :) Even read his book about his illustration processn good choice
Beside the old masters (whom I love), I decided to choose the work of 3 of my favorite artists. - Gustave Doré (french illustrator, 1832 - 1883), - Maurice Leloir (french painter and illustrator, 1853 - 1940) - Alan Lee, known for his illustrations of LOTR What I love with them is that they use the perspective to make their creative worlds seems real, their sense of light, shading, anatomy, movement is making it alive, beautiful to see... But the perspective is like the foundation that holds all the ingredients together to make it work. I would like to understand and absorbe this visual language so that I can draw characters in worlds that seems "real", be able to tell a story with my drawings, give them a sense of 3D, know how to work with the light. So I can express myself, create, make good pictures.
Thank you so much I'm so happy to be a part of this perspective course! ☺️ Can't wait to begin learning with you Marshall, ready to absorb all the knowledge that I miss 💪🏻
Hello all and hello Proko team ! It is the last week for this perspective challenge and I really appreciated it. It was challenging (haha) and somehow I feel like drawing by drawing, perspective began to click for me, what a better excuse than this challenge to practice everyday :D So thank you again so much, for all that you've done, and all that's to come... I wanted to make a little painting for the last day (the work desk for me)... To close this journey, but I took a picture of it midway. For the loaf of bread, couldn't stop myself to make some of my favorite pastries :) I would be sooooo pleased to have an access to the future perspective course with Marshall, as I bought his perspective learning course on his website last year... And I loved it so much, what a great teacher ! Sorry for maybe my bad English Thank you again, I wish you all the best from France
Hello ! My participation for the Week 3 of the perspective challenge :) I was less inspired this week with the prompts, but I already have ideas for the last week :) En avant !
Hey Proko team ! Here is my participation for the Week 2 of this super perspective challenge :D Thank you again for all, and happy birthday to Stan
Here are my drawings for the first week of the challenge :D Thank you so much Proko for this opportunity, I'm really a big fan of your work, and i really appreciate all your draftsmen podcast with Marshall Greets from France
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