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Michael Giff
added comment inAssignment - What is Zero Point Perspective?!
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First of hopefully many. My goal is to post one of these per day until the next lesson drops. Kind of got messed up with the side profile and found it tricky to find a spot where my eye level was truly "side" still kind of ended up with kind of a 3/4s view.
Michael Giff
Did this on a sketch book in my lap so my typical shaky inaccurate lines are a bit more shaky and inaccurate :P Hope to be in front of the drafting table tomorrow.
Michael Giff
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Let's just say the, "make it beautiful," stage of my art making life is a very, very long way away XD.....T_T I'll try to fill a page up a day this week as I work through the the Ortho project.
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These are a few days old, need to try to implement the instruction from the next video.
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I highly enjoyed learning more about Ortho's in this beginning lv assignment especially when it came to spelling our names using one-point-perspective. As I was writing out my own name, it was really neat to slowly see my own name coming out as 3D perspective which I thought was a highly impressive trick turning a 2D thing onto 3D within a few minutes. I must admit when it came to drawing out the V in my name alongside the S in my name. Those two letters were actually quite a challenge but fun to draw out in 3d. Would love to hear what ya think about it Marshall alongside classmates on how I can improve in this fun one point prescriptiveness tool. It was lots of fun.
I was and still am kind of stuck XD But I found following this video line by line helpful.
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3 assignments in 1. The dinosaur fits into to atmosphere of the landscape I thought. First I wanted to make him more mechanical with bolts etc., but that’s still too difficult for me.
I love the digital drawings with added colours that some of you sent here.
The real reason why any of us want to draw... DINOSAURS!! Yes, ladies and gentlemen even if you don't realize it, you want to draw ancient, tyrannical lizards (I'll never accept them as birds! NEVER!!)
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Guess I'm more of a waffle guy.XD
Seriously though this was the first time I suffered from blank page disease in this class. Had the the bloody thing taped to my drafting table with a border for days. Watched the video a few times and scribbled along in a notebook and kinda of knew this was going to be a mess... but then again most of my first submissions are a mess so I'm not sure why this time I was so overly anxious about it.
Any-whosie, here we are! 90 minutes of pain.... I have no clue what's going on with the interior lines when they are hanging above the horizon line.
I'll be sure to watch the video again, think I'll attempt to draw along line by line with the teacher and see if that helps me out a bit. Open to any suggestions or comments.
Some mindless doodles while hanging out with my family.... not feeling or seeing it. Maybe I'll try my hand at copying others? I don't currently have the skill to free hand sketch something and make it look like an environment or something pleasing.
Michael Giff
That's amazing. I always hoped that my community college would do something like this
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That's some grade A note taking there. Trying to find the time to convert my notes into flashcards and see if that helps me remember the proportions better.
That's very nice! Are you looking at reference or doing any planning? I'm trying to follow the instructions in the video but really just end up with a big mess of shapes.
Michael Giff
ooof, rough day at the office XD. 90 minutes spent on blobs and melty pancakes and 2 and half hours spent on an incomplete proportional chart. I Guess it should be expected at my current skill level.
It's probably considered cheating but I think I'll start using a ruler to figure out halves and thirds for the proportional chart assignment, 45 minutes just setting up the measuring lines is entirely too much... at least it feels that way. Especially since I did want to attempt it four more times before the assignments due date.