In this lesson I'll show how to how to organize values using value ranges, keys, and hierarchies for strong compositions. Btw, I made a Value Study Tool over at It’s like the Gradient Map layer in photoshop I showed you, but with some additional features. Several of you mentioned that you don’t have photoshop, so this should be very useful.
Edo Moya
Well this was a dense one, super interesting, and that new tool, super valuable! Thank you!
Collmann Griffin
Value Study Tool is fantastic! Very helpful for students without photoshop. Would you consider providing another tool on to get quick feedback on proportions? Similar to how you recommend using Photoshop in the lesson How to Draw Accurate Proportions.
arigaato goasiamas

Congratulations Stan!
Thank you for the value tool!

Loved the lesson! The explanation of lowkey/midkey/highkey inspired me to do value studies of my favorite Marvel movie characters - Loki, Midki, and Hiki. The value tool was really helpful, as well - I originally thought that my Midki was Loki, but the tool revealed that he is solidly in the lighter mid key range, so I had to REALLY push to the dark values to make a real Loki.

Andrea Böhm
Great lesson and tool! Thank you Stan!
Alain Rivest
Thanks a lot for the Value Study Tool! It's very helpful and super easy to use.
Just one thing, the Simplicity slider doesn't work in Safari on Mac and iPhone. But it works in Chrome, so not a big deal.

Norman Rockwell, Nicolai Fechin, John Singer Sargent, Frederic Remington, Andrew Wyeth, Claude Monet, Jason Pollock, Takashi Murakami, Andrew Zorn, Vincent Van Gogh, Morgan Weistling, Joaquin Sorolla, Rembrandt, Richard Schmid, Howard Pyle, Geof Darrow

Mike See
So amazing that you just went and made a value tool- thank you!
Xana Mendonca
Wow! That value tool is really cool 🌟
Ooh nice that you have created a value tool!

onigi *pronunce [on-ie-gee]*
I tried the value tool a bit and it's so helpful! It's much easier than Photoshop.
That value tool looks awesome. The gesture drawing /timer tool and the skelly app are also great. All of those should be featured much more prominently on the website. I bet half the people using the site don't even know about them and to me they are real USPs for Super useful. ( for those who are unaware. Lets you select any reference pack you purchased on, define how many pictures from which packages you want to use for a session and how long each image shall be shown before switching to the next. Makes it super easy to create a gesture drawing session.)

Yes! I didn't even know about the timer :) Thanks for pointing that one out!
Composition course? Count me in! ;)
I agree i would also like to have one! Composition and advanced Lightning and color after this course.

Stan and Gang, Happy New Year 2025 and best wishes to all.
Great lesson and thanks for creating the Value Study Tool, amazing.
I don't want to sound ungrateful but would appreciate to understand the choice between using the Value Study Tool and Photoshop Gradient Map Layer.
When you explain the tool is like Photoshop' Gradient Map Layer but with some additional features added, does that imply the Value Study Tool as overall more suited for the Value Studies than Photoshop?
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.