Activity Feed
Rachel Dawn Owens
The level 2 ones on the right side of the page look really great.
Norman Rockwell, Nicolai Fechin, John Singer Sargent, Frederic Remington, Andrew Wyeth, Claude Monet, Jason Pollock, Takashi Murakami, Andrew Zorn, Vincent Van Gogh, Morgan Weistling, Joaquin Sorolla, Rembrandt, Richard Schmid, Howard Pyle, Geof Darrow
This is a fun course, I am really enjoying drawing along. you make it look very easy. I definitely need to soften my touch with the willow, it works fine for the warm-ups but I am struggling to draw with it. the attached have been mainly using compressed charcoal pencils which have created a dirty look instead of smokey.
Nice flow to the form of the left.
this was fun. 20 min each
Horse running by Heinrich Kley
Am I the only one who sees a centaur leaning forward during a spring rather than a horse in both of these? The tip is the head, shoulders, arms going back, hands forming fists? I see that in both the reference and the study. Either way, good job capturing the energy of the lines. I like the darker areas in yours better actually.
I recently discovered David Malan in the lesson notes. I really enjoy the emotion in his lines. The proportions are off
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