Activity Feed
Xana Mendonca
First, I worked on understanding perspective better since I still find it hard to visualize. I did a few sketches to study the object and get a better feel for it. Then, I tried the exercise without looking at my earlier drawings and simplified the shape to match the assignment. I decided to use a pen instead of a pencil so I couldn’t erase my mistakes. This way, I can see them clearly, remember what went wrong, and figure out how to improve. When I erase mistakes, I tend to forget them and make the same ones again, so keeping them visible really helped me learn.
Xana Mendonca
This one was really hard for me. It is not easy to do perspective. I get so confused. Wanted to do some distortions to the houses but i did not know what to do.
Rachel Dawn Owens
You did great! The perspective on the branches and houses looks excellent! If you need some help distorting the buildings, you could think of them less like buildings and more like characters. This can influence the design.
Xana Mendonca
My last entry, Gollumina monopolizing all the presents… i am not a fast at drawing so i needed more time to finish the sketch.
Where is it, Precious??
Xana Mendonca
Another one… Snow ball fights.
Xana Mendonca
I didn’t finish the drawing or was accurate on proportions, perspective and shading to be able to finish in 30min. But it was fun, will do a few more for this challenge.
Xana Mendonca
My attempt. Tried to do it first without the video but it is hard to do without a follow along. Had to correct a lot of parts after and i guess i over worked it.
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