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Renee Ing Akana
added comment inAssignment - Melted Pancakes with Philip Dimitriadis - Part 2
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My pancakes made me crazy. I'm enjoying them, more to learn about them
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It was a cop out to not submit. I found that it took time to go slowly and that I kept my eye visualizing the endpoint.
Renee Ing Akana
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Missed the deadilne by a day. I suck at this. That said, I did learn how to do the triangle for divisions and that was fun... I am doing these circles every day, even though it's my 19th nervous breakdown, a ton of nightmares and more days of going at it!
Renee Ing Akana
Marshall, you make me want to put all of my perspective books on a shelf for a while and go on this joy ride into the subject. I love the approach. I have taken your other course which is more "later on" than this one, but I can see that this will solidify everything to perfection!
Very informative! I’ve heard great things about your 1994 perspective course, so I just had to get your newest version. I can’t wait to see more!
Renee Ing Akana
Thoroughly entertaining and a great choice of inspirational examples. I am looking forward to the next installment! Thank you, Marshall.
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I have been trained as an observational artist. How to break out of that? It's a bit scary, but I felt that it was time to jump off of a cliff and do something like perspective. I wish I had learned more about it earlier. What do I want to accomplish? Oh, who cares. Who do I love? Don't get me started. Let's start with Hugh Ferris - perspective, geometry, light, mood and imagination. Going down that rabbit hole, I could find so many artists who venture into Utopia. I figured I have enough time to take that jourmey. That's it.. down that path.
Yes I also can relate to that, well let's see how this goes :), thanks for the inspirational pics