Stevie Roder
Stevie Roder
San Diego
I am an inspiring artist, who loves to learn new aspects of things. I love world-building, drawing, painting.
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I love looking at everyone’s posts for this assignment! As usual, mine are pretty basic, but, you’ve given me something to work towards. I had a hard time getting my head around these, for some reason, probably classic overthinking. 🤦‍♂️😂 I’ll just keep working (playing?) at this. It’s a cool exercise!
Stevie Roder
I like the simplicity of the form you used as well. Since I'm also a beginner with a learning perspective, I did mine pretty simplistically to start me out. I also thought this was a fun exercise to use to learn and play around with as well. Which I also plan on doing.
Stevie Roder
I did my practice run of Environment Pancakes the other day and forgot to post. Hopefully, it will make it into the critique video. As always, this exercise was quite a ton of fun. I was trying to follow along with a reference I found and liked to give me more of a challenge of an Ice Cavern. This exercise was quite a bit harder then the previous ones I must admit but quite fun though overall on learning to put were my horizen line goes and pinpoint my areas at within it. Hopefully anyone can help me out on how I can improv with this new exercise that was given in our disposal toolset. I'm looking forward to practicing it more, though, to get better. Thanks for the fun exercise, Phillip.
Stevie Roder
I loved listening to Phillip in this lesson quite a ton, Marshall. I'm most definitely going to be practicing this assignment quite a bit to get a feel for this method. Looks fun to do as well. Looking forward to this one.
Stevie Roder
Watched the video last night. Really insightful first intro lesson Michael. I actually pretty much learned the basics from it on what to think about gesture drawing and how to approach it. I am looking forward to the upcoming lessons now. I also loved the in-depth of having us think why n how were doing it as well. Very fun things to take notes on.
Michael Hampton
Glad to hear that!
Stevie Roder
Thanks for having Peter on again Marshall for doing another fun demo on how he uses organic forms into perspective. This was such a fun watch.
Stevie Roder
Thanks so much for doing these demos Marshall. It personally helped me to learn more about the blob approach while watching them. I've been highly enjoying these demos a ton as well. I'm defiantly going to be continuing my practice doing this blob to plane practice sessions through the week as well as uploading them to see how I have progressed or not for funsies. I also love how you broken each detail of the plane on your approach while explaining the process. I am looking forward on giving this a shot and see how I manage since proportion is a challenge to me at the moment yet fun to learn. So be on the eye on my progress of the blob to airplane practices.
Stevie Roder
Hi Michael and classmates. I am highly excited to join you all in learning gesture drawing. I would love to get better at practicing figure drawing this year since I'm very bad at it. I am highly looking forward to this course. Definitely looking forward to this journey.
Michael Hampton
Stevie Roder
Great Critique, as always, Marshall. This blob-to-simple-shape assignment was a really fun one. I probably learned a ton more with this lesson. I am definitely going to do more blobs and simple form exercises. I still have plenty to learn about blobs; they are fun to draw. I love being a part of this group since I learn quite a bit from my fellow peer's advice they gave me, which I'm grateful for as well.
This was definitely challenging! I am going to do this exercise again first mentally repositioning each object and then redrawing from observation to see where I need to improve. I also need to keep my lines lighter and take a little bit more time on each object.
Stevie Roder
These are great objects for which you chose to do this fun assignment on Lanna. I like your point of view on how you took the boxes, ink bottle, and shampoo. You have a really good eye and thought process for this great job.
Stevie Roder
Hi Marshall and classmates. I must admit I have had a bit of a struggle with learning to turn my object into a simple form. So the first thing that came to mind was that I owned would have to go with my og-Gameboy that I recently found in my room after many years. I started with the blob which actually comes very useful with my artistic brain though, onto how to position it and to draw it out in a simple form which I hadn't done in quite awhile since my art college class days a few years back when I took their lv 1 course. So, this assignment was a fun one to come back into. I am definitely going to be practicing this skill for a while now. It definitely comes in handy for where to position your objects. Hopefully, it's not too late to submit for a hopeful good critique this time. This one was both a fun and challenging, thoughtful puzzle to accomplish. Thanks, Marshall.
Michael Giff
So that would be an ortho view which is good! It gives useful information on what our reference looks like from straight on. It tells us our height and width. You can do this from the top and sides as well to help you out with the thickness of your subject as well. I would like to remind you that a big part of the assignment is to get the object into multiple oblique or 3/4th views. Meaning we want to see 3 of its 4 sides. Even if we don't do it accurately, (which I can't, I'm still very new to all of this) Mr. Vandruff wants us to play with and get familiar with 3d form. I would strongly recommend watching and re-watching... and watch some more of: I have at least a dozen times and just focus on drawing blobs, do it as part of deliberate practice and or as more relaxed series of doodles. Try to get as comfortable as you can with them. As of now I still can't make some orientations that I would like to.. But after a week of practice there is a handful that I can create on demand now and a big part of that was just repetition over and over again. Make a blob, cube it up, make another blob, cube it up, again... again.... and again. A quick word of caution from my experience with the assignment: My big trip-up was that I was trying to worry about too many things at once. Can I orientate the blob in a certain way? Can I keep my object in proportion? Is my blob even constructed correctly? How about line quality? Ultimately it was just too many things to juggle at once and by just quieting my brain and focus on one task at a time made things much more manageable. (Note: I have not mastered any of these disciplines but I have been able to complete the entire assignment to the best of my current ability and have shown some improvement from my first to latest submission) I encourage you to make many more attempts. If you get stuck it's not a problem, post them and try asking specific questions about the trouble you are having so community members and teachers can offer more targeted advice. Hope that was helpful. Best of luck in your Art Journey.
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