Stevie Roder
Stevie Roder
San Diego
I am an inspiring artist, who loves to learn new aspects of things. I love world-building, drawing, painting.
Activity Feed
Stevie Roder
Watching this demo on drawing in Orthographic perspective Marshall with the plane, actually really was really educational on how to approach it all. Will give this a try for the assignment on picking a simple object near me n give it a shot.
Stevie Roder
It was such a joy to watch the whole Critique in one sitting. Thanks so much, Marshall, for including my piece again after a while in this one, as well as the wonderful advice on how to better myself with the One Pointing letters in perceptiveness. I also highly enjoyed the advice my fellow classmates gave me and will apply what was given to good practice in the future. I am looking forward to more fun assignments that will be coming forth in future lessons.
Stevie Roder
Thanks so much, Michael, for posting the critique video on the first lesson. I learned quite a bit from watching this one. Also, I truly enjoyed the assignment on finding pictures to go on to our first steps of mastering gestures. The stuff I found through my art books, I had, and poses I found were quite a fun challenge to conquer. I'm definitely going to watch the remaining videos soon and look forward to continuing to practice and preparing for the upcoming assignments. I'm definitely going to keep on practicing with this to get better. :)
Michael Hampton
So glad to hear it!
Anke Mols
Ok, found a new perspective rule: if you've made a mess, take the golden pen out and you'll see it less.
Stevie Roder
I honestly like this tip. I'll keep this in mind when I draw.
Stevie Roder
I found some time to watch the video of the assignment while trying it out on my own. This was a really fun challenge on learning about Orthros and One Point Perspective I must admit. I used my half circle ruler for this one on some spots since my name can be a bit tricky to spell out in drawing format. My name honestly though has had to have the most fun I ever had on trying to draw out in one point perspective. Especially when it came to the V and the E. I think I'm going to challenge myself with the 40 challenge throughout the next two weeks now. How can I get better with drawing out real challenging letters in One Point? I would like some pointers to practice learning later.
Randy Pontillo
At risk of sounding generic, the best way to improve at letters you struggle with is to do more of them, keeping in mind the things were being taught here, and applying them. As far as pointers go, be sure to draw both the horizon line, and a dot on the horizon line on your actual paper, not doing so makes it VERY easy to make things look off. I made an example to show what i mean: - In example 1, the Vanishing Point was off the page, and i guessed where the lines would go using only my eyes. - In example 2, i drew the VP and the horizon line on the page so i didn't have to guess where the lines would go, i just knew where they should've been. - On the second image, i drew red lines following the edges of all the letters to show where they would connect. In example 1, every edge is going somewhere else even though i tried my best to guess where they would meet up. In example 2, even though i free handed it, the lines following all the edges of the letters all meet at the exact same spot (mostly). Hope this helps, keep at it!
Stevie Roder
I finally got around to doing the Gesture drawing homework yesterday. The Master part I have decided to learn from was a Mario Odyssey Art Book I bought of course Nintendo style, As well as a couple of my fave artists Tony Sanoda and Katsuya Terada ten. Then I did a page of challenging myself with fun challenging positions from my imagination. This was quite a fun challenge to do try out. Honestly after a few attempts I am quite please with the slow progress I've been making in this course already. Thanks for the fun challenge on this assignment Michael.
Stevie Roder
I highly enjoyed learning more about Ortho's in this beginning lv assignment especially when it came to spelling our names using one-point-perspective. As I was writing out my own name, it was really neat to slowly see my own name coming out as 3D perspective which I thought was a highly impressive trick turning a 2D thing onto 3D within a few minutes. I must admit when it came to drawing out the V in my name alongside the S in my name. Those two letters were actually quite a challenge but fun to draw out in 3d. Would love to hear what ya think about it Marshall alongside classmates on how I can improve in this fun one point prescriptiveness tool. It was lots of fun.
Michael Giff
I was and still am kind of stuck XD But I found following this video line by line helpful.
Adding cracks and details was a lot of fun. I still need to work on getting the right ratios of complexity, but it's definitely going somewhere. It was really helpful to have the pancakes as a base, because drawing through the forms allows for thinking much more about how and where forms connect to each other. I just realized while uploading that I made the foregrounds a bit too dark in some of these, so the lines get swallowed, I hope it's still readable regardless. I might need to be a bit more brave and get a little more crazy with the amount of shapes I'm adding or subtracting from the forms. The next step would be adding some different types of organic forms I think. Like plant or animal life. If I manage to get around to it, I'll update these.
Stevie Roder
This is a superb atmosphere that you created with your pancakes Pixel. Truly gives me some lovely cave esque vibes which I am loving. Really well done.
Stevie Roder
I know I'm a bit late to turn in the critique video for this lesson. But as I watched the video the other day, I slowly noticed that beginning-level gesturing is a lot of fun. I must admit I am having trouble with correctly getting the proportions and angles alongside the alignment on each body segment. But I plan on continuing with plenty of practice. This was a fun first lesson.
I love looking at everyone’s posts for this assignment! As usual, mine are pretty basic, but, you’ve given me something to work towards. I had a hard time getting my head around these, for some reason, probably classic overthinking. 🤦‍♂️😂 I’ll just keep working (playing?) at this. It’s a cool exercise!
Stevie Roder
I like the simplicity of the form you used as well. Since I'm also a beginner with a learning perspective, I did mine pretty simplistically to start me out. I also thought this was a fun exercise to use to learn and play around with as well. Which I also plan on doing.
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