Critique - Collecting Masters
Critique - Collecting Masters
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Critique - Collecting Masters

Course In Progress

Critique - Collecting Masters

Course In Progress
Marshall Vandruff
Let's take a look through some of your favorite drawings by perspective masters and big picture goals.
Randy Pontillo
I'm fighting the urge not to confuse myself by looking into orthos early, I've never heard of it before!
Marshall Vandruff
Nothing wrong with looking ahead if you're interested. But believe me, we will get into them...
Li Ming Lin
Wow, these drawings are terrific inspirations! Completely blown away!
Johannes Schiehsl
The collection of images brought together by the community is amazing and also overwhelming. I agree with Marshall when he suggests that we sort our idols into sub folders for different stages of our learning. I have been working on a set of categories to sort my "art heroes" for a while now, because there are so many. I try to analyse what exactly I admire about their work and what I want to learn from them. I made a little chart of the system that I curently use - if you have ideas and suggestions I am looking forward to them. Happy sorting!
Marshall Vandruff
Good thinking Johannes!
Andreas Kra
This is a great chart for the categories! I love the little illustrations and the additional explanations. The only thing that comes to mind is that it could include the genre or medium the artist is using (e.g., storyboard, illustration, painting, comic, tattoo, etc.). But maybe that's a subcategory of the subject + story? I’m not sure. Great notes—thanks for sharing!
I am so friggin psyched for this class.
Andreas Kra
Here are my notes so far. There are some neat tricks and tips in the review—thanks, Marshall! When studying perspective in a masterpiece, thinking about a slider with two extremes helps to better understand the bigger picture: - instructional (how-to) vs. showcasing for maximum impact - simplified vs. detailed - close vs. far away - huge vs. tiny - inside vs. outside - looking down vs. looking up (into the scene) - organic vs. rigid/mechanical - wide-angle vs. compressed 2D shapes layered on top of each other - strict mathematical rules vs. purposely bending principles for storytelling
Marshall Vandruff
Nothing is wasted on you! So pleased to see you taking these spectra seriously. I hope that someday, in the throes of your creative output, your ability to combine, balance, contrast, juxtapose, crescendo, slide, and play among any of those opposites will empower your work in surprising new ways. Thank you Andreas!
Johannes Schiehsl
Good stuff! I love those sliders! I wanna click them and slide along - would be a fun tool.
Carlye Luft
Master the basics. Got it!
hi, is there any way to see the pictures like marshalls see its in the critique? like a gallery in scroll down?
Pamela D
I was thinking the same, I really like the thumbnail view mode for the images only that Marshall and Stan use.
Max Long
The pictures are on the assignments for the first video of the course. That video is titled “Perspective for drawing anything”. There are over 300 posts that people sent pictures to be critiqued.
Marshall, thanks for sharing everyones critiques. I found it very difficult choosing a selection of pictures for the first assignment as I'm so near the vanishing point amoung the amazing artists that posted their interesting choices of artwork. It's all an education to me. Thanks Again.
Andreas Kra
I was drawing along while watching the critique video. Sometimes studying feels like eating disliked vegetables or taking medicine—it’s good for you but uncomfortable. But in this perspective course, I feel like I want more, and Marshall keeps us on the edge of our seats, waiting for the next lesson to digest. I’m excited for the next videos. Let’s start creating and learning!
Marshall Vandruff
You are indeed both learning and creating!
Amazing stuff!
Angelica Golindano
I’m confused as to how to or where to post “assignments” — where did people place these images used for the latest critique in the perspective course.
Hi Angelica Golindano I think this link to the first lesson is the assignment picture post refered too. :)
Usually the comment section of a lesson video serves as the place to post your assignements. In this case you were supposed to post your chosen images in the comment section of lesson 1 "Perspective for Drawing Anything".
Ramzi Chamcham
Same, couldn't find these images!
Every video so far I walk away feeling like I've learned something, and it perplexes me because I am not always aware that the learning is happening until after the video ends. Marshall, your method of teaching delights the mind, and instead of feeling crushed and exhausted as I often am by what I can only describe as traditional teaching methods- I am always left full of more questions, curiosity, and intrigue. I haven't felt this way about learning in a long time. Loved this video! It's really left me thinking and pondering about my initial selection of art treasures, and prompting me to look at art with a new mindset of not just trying to identify any perspective but perspective that is useful to learn from. Upon reflection, I think my fear of backgrounds did lead me to initially pick examples of perspective applied to characters mostly, but I am feeling less daunted already and loving looking at the examples other have chosen. I was most fascinated this lesson by the notion of things 'flattening' as they get further away. I would have assumed they would become more warped, not less. But I can't not see it now.
Marshall Vandruff
Your first sentence is one of the most satisfying compliments you could give a teacher. Sometimes an exciting enlightenment, like a mountaintop experience, disappears when we come down from the mountain. Other times, a less dramatic experience yields week-after-year of insight. Thank you jaejaelearning. And may even the things that you now "can't not see" have their own surprising twists later as you keep learning and growing.
I love the idea of splitting the works into sub-categories to study specific things from; I feel like this could be useful for any project!
Randy Pontillo
Me too! I was getting the feeling that my choices were very composition focused! Having that validated, being offered a solution, and being taught how to find good references instead is awesome!
Yes! You're not alone in this. I found it particularly eye opening as well.
Daniel Lucas Nizari
Hypes! @Marshall I don’t know who the people are that criticize you, but don’t be afraid! Read the comments and see all the ❤️🙏! it’s also so much fun to get a small history chunk from your own life like knowing you could draw dr. Octopus xd. Keep up the great videos
I just finished watching this and I’m blown away at how rich perspective is as a concept - and Marshall’s deep understanding of it. I signed up for this course aware of only 1 point, 2 point, 3 point, 4 point, and curvilinear perspective but now it feels like I’ve only scratched the surface. I’m glad we’re in good hands here with Marshall and the Proko team.
Phoenix Baldwin
What a great collection everyone pooled together. Lots of names I knew, lots of names and pieces I've never seen and was stunned by! Great treasure, everyone! I love seeing what pieces have everyone raring to go! To Marshall - I appreciate that none of these were considered "Bad" treasure, but that you were able to categorize them as things that would be difficult to learn perspective from, simple to learn perspective from, great to study for composition, for lenses, for distance, for playing with perspective, for overlap! I'm adjusting how I'm regarding my collected images, because there were a few that I had collected that, when studying, I disregarded and thought "why did I grab that? This is bad for Perspective." - Perhaps I just need to take a different angle with them. Also, I am ever impressed by how you re-incorporate student names and goals as you teach. Looking forward to seeing how everyone comes closer to those goals over the next year! Pardon my gushing. I'm finishing up a project that has a deadline closing in, so I'm a little extra caffeinated...
Marshall Vandruff
Thank you Phoenix. I do make a point to "mentor from a distance" by attending to students' goals. And I think you know that we are seeing more involvement here than in any class I've known! Glad you're part of it.
Didn't know this was an assignment, ok then.
Randy Pontillo
When in doubt, participate! That's what i do when im not sure anyway :)
Amu Noor
I have a question about this piece. In the video Marshall points out a vanishing point as the boxes forming the lozenge shape move away from us. I understood from this that our eyeline runs horizontally through that point. Why is it that the top plane of the chimney isn’t visible when it’s below the eyeline? I think I’m not understanding something Thanks!
Marshall Vandruff
Good Eye Amu! I never noticed it until you pointed it out. And the responses here from your peers make sense: He may have just missed it; He may have chosen it. But one thing we now know is that you noticed it. Good Eye.
If you look at 3 chimneys up from your vanishing point, you'll see that they look strange as if the houses become taller in the distance. I think these are just errors. The arch framing the picture is either incorrect too or it's two different arches on the left and right.
Ishaan Kumar
Thank you for pointing this out, it was something I noticed as well. The chimneys look like they are at eye level with no converging lines, even when the roofs that are in the same spatial cluster are following the rules of lines converging towards a vanishing point. I think point 1 in @Terry F's explanation is more plausible.
Ruth Waite
I don't know how to find these images on the website. How do you find them in the Community section?
Charlie Nicholson
You can see it all in the comments section for the first lesson: Perspective for Drawing Everything. Just navigate to that lesson and scroll down
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