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added comment inSketchbook Spontaneity
I tend to improvise. When I think too hard, art ideas run away from me. But I also like to study and practice a little thing many times—in case I will need it later. I'll have pages of nonsense, then a careful piece, followed by pages of nonsense. I do this in a 9x12 sketchbook and in a tiny travel sketchbook.
I would like to be able to fill up a page more regularly. Once a week? I would also like to try and encourage more of those "gut feelings", so I don't have long periods of inactivity. Exploring masters and visiting museums seem like good practices. Taking this course and completing assignments also helps.
Asked for help
Went the analytical route and followed the process:
1. rough it out
2. clean it up and simplify with a straight edge on tracing paper
3. copy outside contour on tracing paper
4. duplicate outside contour and tweak the insides
I found using my new tools in step 2 difficult. I couldn't decide if I wanted to freehand step 3 or use a ruler, so I did both. I was able to put my outer countour tracing under my sketch page to duplicate it. Then I played around with some inner shapes using pencil before going over it with a micron (my preferred medium). It was hard to decide on line width. I tried to make things that were closer thicker. Hopefully we will spend more time on some of that decision-making.
Ultimately, it was great to study a master then create something of my own—instead of only copying. Time flew by, which must mean time well spent!
I want to draw with a pen from imagination...from any angle. I love nature and notan. I'm glad Marshall sees and treats perspective as solving puzzles. I love a good puzzle too!