Montreal, Canada
I wanna get good at drawing!
Activity Feed
very cool! I like the references you chose
First image is drawing along with the video, second one is by myself. Since I don’t have as much experience as Philip (obviously), I drew the pancakes shapes with a pencil very lightly to place the general idea that I want to draw, then added the solidity and details by pressing harder afterwards.
These are my two attempts after drawing along with the demo. The second attempt definitely looks better visually and I had a lot of fun doing these!
Asked for help
First image is from demo. I wonder how we can measure these proportions when the figure is not standing straight, or if it is even necessary to measure anything and go with intuition.
From top to bottom: Santa hat, pencil sharpener, and winged box (initially a phone but i added wings to it). This was my first time trying the blob approach and had quite some trouble with it. It was difficult for me to imagine my object as ellipses in certain angles. Getting the proportions right with the blob was also a struggle.
Marshall Vandruff
Remember that the blob is not for proportion, it is for position. Rough position. A lump of something that you look down or up at, or one side or another. And you did this well!
Asked for help
Asked for help
Blue: Diminution Red: Convergence Purple: Foreshortening Green: Overlap Yellow: Atmosphere 1. Yusuke Murata Diminution - 4 Convergence - 3 Foreshortening - 4 Overlap - 2 Atmosphere - 3 2. Hajime Isayama Diminution - 5 Convergence - 2 Foreshortening - 4 Overlap - 2 Atmosphere - 2 3. Kim Jung Gi Diminution - 4 Convergence - 5 Foreshortening - 3 Overlap - 5 Atmosphere - 1 4. Ruan Jia Diminution - 5 Convergence - 3 Foreshortening - 1 Overlap - 5 Atmosphere - 2
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