Activity Feed
My 20 heads. I think I'm just really bad at observation, lol.
Do you have any tips for placing the brow line? Any specific landmarks to look for? Your example seems to put it at the far corners of the eye socket, which seems lower than I'd expect. On this skull for example, that puts it below the keystone. I think I'm generally having a hard time identifying the eye socket on a real person. I'd appreciate any advice on the way I'm approaching these measurements.
Michael Hampton
Have you tried using the eyebrows? I usually aim closer to that area.
def a little confused on the neck and shoulders tilt, especially on #3 and #4.
Wow, I can't believe Hampton's teaching a course here! I've had his figure drawing book since high school and loved it, even though I never had the dedication to put it to thorough use. These all took me about 2 minutes. I also made an embarrassing attempt at a full construction, which will hopefully contribute to a satisfying before-and-after once I've finished the course. I'd appreciate any advice or guidance. What usually trips me up is the far side of the face and jaw.
Some 45 second beans.
Some one-minute gestures- in hindsight, it's sort of an awkward length of time for this.
30 second poses from the examples here, and also some from other reference. I always run out of time and lack a limb lol. Critique is welcome.
2 minutes from the poses in this video, more or less in order. Very difficult to focus on flow without completely giving up any semblance of accuracy.
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