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added comment inProject - Build a 1-Point Room - Level 1
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Really enjoyed this project. Had trouble mostly on lining up all the objects into place. Also, had an issue where I would intuitively place a box and assume its angles. Overall great! :)
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For this assignment, I struggled with trying to match the proportions of the hat to the face. I tried to keep it simple while trying to challenge myself with certain features. With that, it lead me to have the hat a bit too big. I also had trouble with the eyes, the size, the placement and the shape. Had fun with this assignment, even while struggling with drawing daily! Any feedback would be great!
Good work @somni3005! This is a really nice lay in! A few easy tweaks will get this ready for the next stages. Check your measurements on the top of the ear, relative to the corner of the eye. It's a bit high based on the tilt of the head, and should drop a little lower so the bottom is in line with the bottom of the nose in perspective. Really close with the internal features! I think the eyes might be a bit small, but I think if you tweak in the overall size of the head and hat they'll balance pretty well. I overlaid your drawing to the reference for you to check out. Hope this helps, keep it up!
Asked for help
For this study I did Annino, I noticed I had trouble with the hatches cause I was unconfident in the placement. Also I did not understand some of the hatch placements which is another reason. I am also noticing that my values are a bit off but this did take me a couple days to finish so the darker tones may have faded. I really enjoyed this assignment and how it turned out!