How to Sculpt Profile Pancakes

Portrait Sculpting

Profile Pancakes

How to Sculpt Profile Pancakes

Mark as Completed

How to Sculpt Profile Pancakes

Mark as Completed

Your assignment is to do three profile pancakes. Mmm. Yummy!

Don’t be upset if the first few don’t come out exactly as you’d imagined. The point is to get practice in. As you gain experience, you’ll get faster and more accurate. 

Upload your images to get feedback from me as well as the Proko community. You can also share your assignment on social media using #profilepancake.

Now get cooking!

Octavio Magno
Hello everybody! Andrew! So, the first four images in the batch I’m showing you, correspond to exercises I did in the middle of last year, after purchasing the course. Due to various circumstances, I didn’t follow through with the rest of the lessons or continue practicing at that time. This is all I got. I also don't remember much about the process, so I'm afraid I can't share with you a detailed explanation of what it or my mindset was like. However, I’m giving myself another shot at completing the course and wanted to share those first images as a sort of reference/point of comparison with what I am doing this time. The last three are of my most recent practice results. Each one took between 45 minutes and 1 hour to complete. First I tried to get a rough general shape of the skull and neck, while adding just a few details, like de jawline. This took me just around thirty minutes. As I wasn’t satisfied with the look at this stage, I decided to continue working on it for a few more minutes, making adjustments, adding a few more anatomical landmarks like the volume in the forehead and the cheekbones, finalizing the profile with the smallest details of the face, and the ears at the very end. Additionally, all exercises were done before watching the demos by Mr. Andrew. What do you think? I would welcome and appreciate your feedback. Thank you!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey these are really nice considering they were done before any instruction! I look forward to seeing your progress as I'm sure you will do great especially if you can maintain consistent practice and apply the lessons from the course! Keep it up!
Roger Dial
Andrew Joseph Keith
Super fun portrait pancake studies!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Great profile pancake studies! Keep going with the assignments I look forward to seeing more!
Eric Lee
My first pancake
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done! exactly what I like to see for this assignment. Keep it up!
Hongtong Song
My profile pancakes. thanks
My profile pancakes.
I did not like the free handling, so i sculpted directly on my working table.
Andrew Joseph Keith
cool! Like a low relief or bas relief portrait study. These are great! I look forward to seeing more of your work
Hope you can match the references to the pancakes... 😅
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey super fun profile sculptures! I can definitely tell which is which. If I had to give a critique it looks like the facial features might be just a tad large compared to the back of the head so I would watch out for that mistake in future sculptures. I look forward to seeing more! On to the next assignment!
Andrew Cothill
I'l be working digitally on this course so that's why my stuff may look a little weird.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey nicely done! these assignments can definitely be done digitally and that adds the possibility of 3D printing and other cool stuff. Keep up the hard work!
Andrew Cothill
Sorry, i should have also added the reference!
carla toms
My favorite one so far
carla toms
still playing with these
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey so great to see how much you're doing! Keep posting your work!
carla toms
Passing an enjoyable afternoon making these
carla toms
First three pancakes
Andrew Joseph Keith
So fun! keep up the great work!
Second profile pancake
Well done!
This was my first . I’ll upload the other two shortly
good job . I like the older man's portrait the best
Assignment 1: Pancakes.
Hi everyone.  my first assignment
Andrew Joseph Keith
wow nicely done! Great character and I love the style. Keep it up!
Roy Nottage
These have a lot of character to them!
Hi Andrew. Do you have any clay brand that you prefer? Or that you indicated?
Andrew Joseph Keith
I really like Chavant NSP medium clay. I also recently did a video about some inexpensive Dollar Tree clay that's not bad.
leonel C
Hellooooo Everyone, First assignment completed. Please share your knowledge and help me improve.
Andrew Joseph Keith
great job on this first assignment! You might double check proportions by holding your sculpture up to the reference. Keep going!
The third profile pancake will not attach. Every time I try to attach it, freezes. I've tried several times with no avail, so I had to stick to two instead of three. I found this to be very difficult. Rather than get frustrated and quit, I decided to stop and submit.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey these are looking great! Don't get frustrated. These are just for having fun and getting warmed up. Sculpting takes time to develop and get good at so make sure that you can enjoy the process and you'll find much more success and skill as you have fun with it! Keep it up!
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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