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added comment inImportant Anatomy: Muscles of the Head
Asked for help
I decided to do a drawing to keep things clean... I also skipped the auricularis muscles because they overlap too much with the temporalis.
Nicely done! A great anatomy sketch
I lowered the brow. It's still a bit too high. The ears are too high up as well, making this problem look worse. Oh well, better next time :)
Hey these are looking great! I can see all the anatomical forms. If I was going to give a suggestion it might be to try to vary the transitions between the forms. For example the "y" shape inside the ear will have some areas where the transition is a sharp crease and other areas where it is very soft as it moves to the other forms. These subtleties can help take your sculpture to the next level. Keep it up!
Hey super fun profile sculptures! I can definitely tell which is which. If I had to give a critique it looks like the facial features might be just a tad large compared to the back of the head so I would watch out for that mistake in future sculptures. I look forward to seeing more! On to the next assignment!