Bearded Man Profile Pancake Demo
Bearded Man Profile Pancake Demo
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Portrait Sculpting

Profile Pancakes

Bearded Man Profile Pancake Demo


Bearded Man Profile Pancake Demo

Andrew Joseph Keith
Here's a full demo of the profile pancake I made for our first lesson.
jay Goldsamt
The first one of my grandaughter I got carried away with details. The second one I tried to do just an impression of your bust.
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done and a great first exercise! I hope you keep it up and keep posting your work.
First attempt at "art" in my life!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Hey great job! A great first step and I hope you keep going! if this is your first I'm sure you'll progress very rapidly with a consistent practice. If I had to give a critique I'd say the forehead looks a bit large compared to the reference. Keep up the great work!
John Tollefsen
My first tries at pancake heads. I will try to improve them in some time.
carla toms
Followed along in real time
Had to find my own beardman ;).
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done! I might try to slow down a bit and use smaller bits of clay for the detail work and try to refine and define features like the mouth, nose, and eye sockets. It's great to see your work!
First pancakes...
Andrew Joseph Keith
Nicely done! Way fun!
linda groene
almost bas relief
Mariëlle Veldhuis
Is it without sound?
Also having difficulty in hearing and actually getting getting back to post something. Trying to post from my own name (sorry Marielle for responding here) and can’t seem to achieve that. I am sure it is all me…sometimes can’t seem to figure this stuff out🙃. But glad to be here!
Andrew Joseph Keith
Andrew Joseph Keith
There was some technical issue that we’re trying to fix!
When will the full class be released
Andrew Joseph Keith
Every other week or weekly there will be new lessons/demos until all of the course is out.
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Proko sculpting instructor. Sculpting takes drawing to a whole new dimension.
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