carla toms
carla toms
Activity Feed
carla toms
i'm struggling with the sphere part. the cranial cavity just doesn't look very spherical to me-- it looks more flattened on the sides to me-- and then i struggle with the rest of the head. i think i need to practice this more in order to fix the proportions
Thinking in perspective is likely the most mind fuck thing for a beginner lol. I found the first lesson a bit challenge to follow along with as a complete beginner. Perspective the last step is most challenging, I still don't get it. But this seems like one of those things I just have to go through to learn this, it can't be helped. You are my last hope haha
carla toms
Marshall Vandruff said to draw 20 boxes a day so every day i drew 20 boxes in perspective. took about a month before i could flip the boxes any old which way. then i added cylinders and spheres. i started to look for and to see perspective everywhere. so it took a while, about a month or two, before i felt like perspective wasn't breaking my brain. so may i suggest boxes? you can draw them anywhere. no one has to know you're studying perspective
Hmm I guess I could push the whole thing darker
carla toms
it helped me to pick a "50%" shade and put it in the middle, and then pick a "25%" and a "75%" and put them in the appropriate places. Then i sort of worked between those values
carla toms
carla toms
Hi, I will say I like to provoke the sense of vastness, that there is a lot more that the eye can see. To trick the mind into thinking that thought something seems not possible they see it in the draw. That the landscape help to understand how a character see the world to his own perspective. To be able to deform reality as I know it and be believable. To see something and being able to draw it for any perspective i can imagine. To understand why I like a landscape and why I resonate to draw or not.
carla toms
LOVE the car interior
carla toms
Asked for help
carla toms
Harder than i thought but i think it’s helping
Here is my attempt. Is it just me or the tilted nose was one of the most difficult parts?
carla toms
When people tilt their heads up their features go all sorts of places I wasn’t expecting and, for me, the nose is the wiliest of the bunch. I kind of have to let go of thinking of the nose as a “nose” and start thinking of it as a shape
carla toms
Took me about an hour
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