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added comment inSculpting a Simplified Head - Part 1
Asked for help
Again, I can see where I need to improve. If you recall (because I know you have a lot of students), I am a total beginner. I know I have parts of the scalp that are caved in a bit, but the clay I’m working with is really hard to work with. I am working with Super Sculpy medium.
carla toms
Is it okay if i kind of love it? It is super fun to look at
Yeah super sculpted can be tricky. Remember that the widest point is towards the back of the head (when viewing the head from above) in your image the brow ridge is the widest point. There is also the mistake of not enough mass in the back of the skull in general compared to the large facial features. I would reduce the size of the chin, nose, and bring the brow ridge down a bit to lengthen the forehead. Keep it up! You're doing great! I know it can be tricky but every sculpt you will improve.
Asked for help
The third profile pancake will not attach. Every time I try to attach it, freezes. I've tried several times with no avail, so I had to stick to two instead of three. I found this to be very difficult. Rather than get frustrated and quit, I decided to stop and submit.
Asked for help
I am an absolute beginner. I did my best, and I can see some of my errors; I tried fixing them but wasn't very successful. Well, the only way to go from here is up! By the way, I did the profile pancakes, but I had a computer glitch and lost all of my photos. I wanted to keep going, but I feel that I should back up and do those again. I did not keep the profile pancakes, so here I go again.