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added comment inSculpting a Simplified Head - Part 1
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This assignment was challenging.
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I sculpted the three heads over again.
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My three heads.
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How can I make my pose look more dynamic and make the details not look smooshed?
John Sumner
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Sculpture Build Up #2 - Part 1: Gesture and Primary Forms
Addressing Notes from V.1 - Sculpting thin through the torso, and even throughout.
I also build the stand correctly this time too.
I'll be moving on to the secondary forms later tonight, and will update this post with pics when I've got 'em.
Nice! The legs might be bowed out a little too much and they feel a little short compared to the rest of the figure. Perhaps the head is too big? The shapes of the primary forms looks good they just might be a tad big for this size figure. Keep up the great work it's great to see how much sculpting you've been doing!