How to Draw the Spine
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How to Draw the Spine

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How to Draw the Spine

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Assignment: Draw the Spine

There are 3 assignments. "Draw Skelly", "Trace Models" and "Draw Models". Go ahead and download the assignment images from the downlaod tab. Post your drawings in the anatomy discussions.

Check the Lesson Notes for instructions on the three assignments.

Once your finished continue on to the next lesson.

I really struggled with those where the spine is more transformed… Hoping for some feedback (ps: please ignore the notes)
Carlos Pérez
This include the Skelly , tracings and from model simplification of the spine
Here are my "Draw Skelly" exercises. Will continue with the next ones when I can.
heel pole
It was in order btw, will appreciate critique from anyone please!!!
Laura Avino
First, well done with the assignment! Lots drawing done! 1. I like that the drawings feel quite 3D, however there are some general proportions problems. Specially with the the width of the rib cage and pelvis. You will work on them in the next two lessons. Then, you can come back and fix your own drawings! 2. For the spine, the bottom part triangle, the sacrum, should not be in the top plane of the pelvis bucked. And it is tilted forward. There is a very nice explanation in the critique video. Don’t have the drawing tablet with me, but if something is not clear i could try to do a pain over in few days. enjoy the holidays break!
Paco Boi
Here is the skelly assignment. I was wondering how I could do the tracing without a digital drawing tablet since all I have is my sketch book to draw.
heel pole
Try to print the tracing image, then trace through the printed image.
Laura Avino
My homework
heel pole
Hey, I'll try to give some correction to do, even though I am still not that good compare to your works. First problem I found is about the sacral, which most are too small and not actually fitted to the pelvis. Then some figure (Like at the second page, no.2 and 3 figure) feels not 3d enough. I'd also like to add that some figure has no sacral, and I think it is better to draw all of major parts for deeper understanding/retention of what you're drawing. Overall all of it are just a minor mistakes, and just correction for improving your drawing's. One favor if you may also, can you also critique my works? :>
Kassjan (Kass) Smyczek
Here is my submission of the assignment. By the way - the video „how to get good fast“ nails it! Go there where it hurts. Repeatedly.
2nd attempt
This is my assignment submission for some reason I really struggle with the photo trace over portion of the assignment and also I have noticed that it is sometimes difficult to visualize the bucket shape (and draw the actual bucket lol). Any critiques are welcome!
Joseph Osley
Spine Assignment : Draw Skelly 1-6
Joseph Osley
Redid these after watching the demos. Still not quite getting it. Probably have to do it again.
Joseph Osley
Spine Assignment : Tracings
Waner Hoogleiter
Here’s mine based off the first assignment.
Melanie Scearce
Looking good! Be mindful of the connection point of the spine and the pelvis, it should be towards the back edge of the bucket.
Giorgi Karkuzashvili
Gotta carefully watch the demos and critiques! The third part with twist definitely was trickier!
Doing the 3 exercises in the that order was very good. Having done the first 2 really helped with the third. I tend to put end the lumbar section too soon, attaching it to the bottom of the pelvis (or maybe I'm putting the top plane of the pelvis too low?) so I tried to fix that after watching the reviews.
Using the models as references and not tracing them definitely upped the difficulty. I think I did ok for the most part. However I definitely screwed up assignment 14. I can’t understand how to draw the spine and rib cage in that perspective. I need to figure out how the spine moves fully. I couldn’t figure out if the head blocks the spine or not.
Steve Lenze
Your spine is pretty straight and stiff. You need to make sure the spine curves over the ribcage, then curves up into the skull, and curves into the pelvis. I did a couple of examples to show you what I mean :)
I need help with the last two models for the model tracing assignment. Since I couldn’t fully see the head on the second to last model, I did my best to draw it. I used the “How to Draw the Head from Any Angle” video from YouTube. The last model’s position is really hard to see where the spine, pelvis, and rib cage is. I’d really appreciate it if someone could point out what is wrong. As well as how I can draw it better. This is the one I’m not very confident in. I’ll be redrawing it after some advice. For the others, are the proportions and perspective correct?
Giving the Spine a shot
Paco Boi
Here is the first assignment. As a beginner please go easy on these 🙏
Steve Lenze
Hey Paco, nice job on these for a beginner. The one thing you need to remember is that the spine is never completely straight. Try to show the "S" curve of the spine when you draw it. I did a quick sketch to show you what I mean, hope it helps :)
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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