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added comment inHow to Draw the Spine
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Using the models as references and not tracing them definitely upped the difficulty. I think I did ok for the most part.
However I definitely screwed up assignment 14. I can’t understand how to draw the spine and rib cage in that perspective. I need to figure out how the spine moves fully. I couldn’t figure out if the head blocks the spine or not.
Steve Lenze
Your spine is pretty straight and stiff. You need to make sure the spine curves over the ribcage, then curves up into the skull, and curves into the pelvis. I did a couple of examples to show you what I mean :)
Asked for help
I need help with the last two models for the model tracing assignment.
Since I couldn’t fully see the head on the second to last model, I did my best to draw it. I used the “How to Draw the Head from Any Angle” video from YouTube.
The last model’s position is really hard to see where the spine, pelvis, and rib cage is. I’d really appreciate it if someone could point out what is wrong. As well as how I can draw it better. This is the one I’m not very confident in. I’ll be redrawing it after some advice.
For the others, are the proportions and perspective correct?
Asked for help
I’m not confident on anything in this drawing. The body is in such a weird position that I can’t fully tell where the spine and rib cage is. Can you explain what’s wrong, and tips on how to make it better? I’m going to be remaking this one after.
Asked for help
The thing I’m not confident in this drawing is the head. Since I can’t see everything I attempted to draw it from what I could see.
Asked for help
How are the proportions of the spine, ribs, pelvis, and head? Do they look correct? Does the space in the ribs look correct?
Asked for help
How does this look? Any perspective or proposition mistakes? How does the head look? I followed the “How to Draw the Head from Any Angle” video on YouTube.