Joseph Osley
Joseph Osley
Fort Plain, NY
Mental illness survivor attempts to reconnect to mark making. Hilarity ensues.
Activity Feed
Gannon Beck
463rd Day of Proko and counting. Five and Ten minute sketches. It's my first time picking up a brush in about a week and I felt a little rusty.
Joseph Osley
These feel like finished works in a lot of ways. They have so much to take in. The colors are evocative and your choices in which forms to highlight are inviting visually. I enjoy the abstractions offered here too. They’re quite striking, Gannon.
William Montalvo
1 minute from ref and more invented gestures in space
Joseph Osley
Great gestures! Those figures in space though; they have me really impressed. Such an excellent practice and so valuable. Awesome stuff!
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Day 107: 21st March, 2025 5 and 10 min watercolor gestures
Joseph Osley
I’m a sucker for monochromatic studies and these are awesome! I like how you’re painting the shadow as form. It’s elegant and exciting to look at. Really great!
Dedee Anderson Ganda
1 min, 2 min and 5 min gestures
Joseph Osley
Wow. Lots to love here! Great weight to these. The delimitation of form is wonderful. You’ve captured the movement of dance so firmly with these. Beautiful work!
William Montalvo
Still working out how best to combine space and gesture. 10 minutes is a pretty short duration for these
Joseph Osley
I really like where this is going. It feels essential to drawing from any imaginary angle. Really cool!
Gannon Beck
460th Day of Proko and counting. Sooooooo I missed a day yesterday. I've been charging through a bunch of deadlines and got so caught up in it that I forgot until I was already in bed. Getting right back on the horse with a few two minute sketches.
Joseph Osley
It was bound to happen eventually. Even Superman oversleeps sometimes. It was never about the streak anyways; it's about the habit, the practice, and the phenomenal progress you've made. Great energy in these btw. You'll always be the Ironman of Proko to me, Gannon.
Gannon Beck
458th Day of Proko and counting. Two minute sketches.
Joseph Osley
That middle left gesture is *chef’s kiss*
Joseph Osley
1min, 2min, 5min - Same model throughout. Free model pack from Grafit Studio over on gumroad if anyone is interested. Hope you’re all doing well. Take care.
Gannon Beck
I like that when you post, it's like a dam broke. It's amazing to me how consistently good these gestures are. Andrew Loomis said that everyone does good ones and bad ones, but not on this day. You rocked it from beginning to end.
Dedee Anderson Ganda
good job again! Your 5 min page really shows your culmination progress from previous pages
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Wow! You are a perfect example that a practice session with a high quantity of drawings never means that the quality got compromised.
William Montalvo
Whoah! Nice
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
Day 99: 13th March, 2025 3 min gestures
Joseph Osley
These are lovely, Jyayasi! Great flow, nice weighty forms, and solid movement.
Jyayasi (*Jay-o-she*)
On my 100th day of being a part of this community, I would like to extend my gratitude towards everyone here. Thanks, Gannon for starting this thread in the first place! Many many thanks to you, Joseph, William and Dedee and others for being a wholesome part of this journey. I am not celebrating my 100th day as it's not the finish line, and there is no finish line indeed, but I am just taking this opportunity to express how grateful I am to have you all, drawing with me, motivating me and keep me going! Day 100: 14th March, 2025 10 min watercolor portraits
Joseph Osley
I am so happy to have your work and effort documented for us all here. Your encouragement and community involvement in this thread could not have come at a better time for myself! You found Gannon and everyone here as I was struggling and fading away into the background, and you’ve made this little bit of internet all the better. Thank you for that. I appreciate all your effort so so much! All the best.
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