The real-time demo from the step-by-step lesson on how to draw a nose.
Amani Noor (Amu)
Yoshi Oda
I think the issue with mine is more towards the left side.
Hyunwook Kil
Difficult nose practice
Blake Pawlikowski
Followed the demo. Will be doing some more practice from reference. Used a lead holder for the first time with 5mm 2B graphite vs. wood/mechanical pencils. Was fun exploring a new tool while working on this.

Second attempt!

Feel a little better about this one

Hi, difficult , it makes me question if it's possible to get it right at all.
Im starting to see bounce light and core shadows better.

hi folks, I’ve never posted before and wanted to give it a try. I tried to keep up with Proko to get my hand moving quickly for a bit of fun and got this. Il do a slower more deliberate attempt next time for some feedback, have a nice day
Hi @crazyhaggis87, nice study! I think you did a pretty good job shading the nose, and the nostrils feel quite three dimensional.
- The underlying structure of the nose is a little slanted, flattening the bridge of the nose. So this is something to consider in your next attempt. When doing the lay-in of the overall structure, it could help to do a little intuitive check of the construction. Maybe imagine you were a carpenter and had the structure you've drawn in front of you. Are the angles correct? Are both sides the same distance from the intended centerline? Is the structure leaning strangely one way or the other?
That might help making the drawing even more solid.
I hope this helps :)
PS. Try to light your drawing more evenly, when fotographing it. It might help to take the photo outside, or by a window for an even strong light.
Samuel Sanjaya
attempting myself and drawing along
I think its good that you did your own attempt first and then a follow along! Trying on your own creates a lot of questions that will be answered in the follow along. Great job!
Alain Rivest
This is the nose I made while watching the demo. I think it doesn't look enough like the reference. But I'm still happy with my first "real" nose!

Arthur Gellet
So thats my work of today
Juste lemme know if you see mistakes I would apreciate as long as it is constructive
And if you know where Incould find référence for n'ose eyes and all this stuff I would taie it too
Ernesto Palma
I see great effort, Arthur! How often do you practice? It's good to get in the habit of daily drawing to improve on the hardest things like line control and proportional accuracy with eye measuring. Also, try to take your pictures with clear even lighting so we can appreciate them better. Sunlight works great! Best of luck.
Cameron Dunbar-Yamaguchi
I suppose this is my first time ever posting here. I am studying the nose in Proko's "Portrait Drawing Fundamentals" course.
The upper left and bottom right were done following along with him, and getting a feel for figuring out my landmarks. The bottom-middle was the same, but I then kept going to create an illustration on a whim, just to see what my instincts would show me.
Finally, I did an independent nose study (bottom -left), and I was very pleased with the outcome.
One thing I like to do is "reclaim" territory on my pages, so as to not waste paper, and just start filling in as much empty space as I can.
I following along the video and the results were decent. And then I tried another reference in colour and then found it super difficult to keep the relative values in shading. Also, I discovered that old people are great for references,
side note, now I feel I have an idea for the frontal view but just by itself unsure how to tackle different angles…
so much to learn and practice!




Bishop Limbu
I dont know where i am going. Critics wanted.

I think what would help you is having more of a contrast between the lights and the darks. Your shadows seem more like halftones to me. I would push the darks more, and even darken up the nostrils a little more. I would also focus more on the structure of the nose and try to get the shapes down a little more accurately. You're doing good, just keep practicing mindfully and deliberately and you'll see improvement! Hope this helps ;)
Shelvs Fleurima
Plane of the nose study for head model app
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.