Activity Feed
Very different approach of drawing to me. Not sure yet if I'm doing what's required correctly. Here's my first attempt
Asked for help
Hi, I found this lesson very useful, I always avoided to draw box men, but during this exercise I made noticeable progress! Still long way to go, but still, it's a good day
Melanie Scearce
Looks great! I can see that you loosened up and found more expressive gestures as you progressed.
Hi, my attempt at lvl2, looking for some CC
Patrick Bosworth
Really nice work, these are all looking great! Check the perspective of the box examples in #4, #10, #14, they're are a little off here and there, but the portraits all look like you made the correct adjustments and kept the feature lines converging to the correct vanishing points. Way to do a bunch of portraits!! Keep up the great work!
Hi guys, one point perspective was easy :) Could someone explain me pleas why books I drew doesn't look like it's laying flat on each other? I thought as long as vertical axis is perpendicular to horizon it should look like it's flat on one another but apparently it's not enough. And how to figure out correct second vanishing point for the desk in my drawing after all?
Ron Kempke
The near corner of the desk is too far below your tilted horizon line. Right angles should not appear as acute angles, as does your desk corner. Your books are drawn correctly but the pile looks like it would fall over because your horizon line is tilted. Rotate the paper to make your horizon line horizontal and notice the improvement.
Hi everyone, Couldn't figure out how to place tv perfectly in the middle of tv unit..
Ron Kempke
Here's how you can check the tv's location: Draw a horizontal, across the top of the cabinet, from the cabinet's center rail to intersect the bottom of the tv and extend a vertical up the tv screen from that intersection point. Use an "x" on the tv screen to locate the tv's center point. Does that center point fall on the extended vertical? If it does, the tv is centered on the cabinet. If it doesn't, move the tv either toward or away from its vanishing point until its center point does lie on that vertical.
Hi, here's my try
T.M. Dusablon
Nice, very clear and concise. I feel like I am looking into an arcade room
First try..
Asked for help
Hi, fun exercise, really enjoyed it! Some of my better ones attached below.. Looking for some critique
Patrick Bosworth
These all look great, really nicely done, I especially like your creature design pulling reference from your shape studies! You have a nice clean line quality here, I think you could accentuate some of your straights to give a bit more structure to your shapes, you're using a lot of C and S curves but overall these are looking really good! Next time throw a clean sheet of printer paper in between your sketch book pages when you photograph them for upload to minimize the bleed through from the next page! Keep it up!!
Connor Wilson
These are great
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