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I used Procreate for this, again. I hope it is better
Martha Muniz
Looks pretty good! Very clear hierarchy in your line weight choices :)
My warmup
Drawabox veterans RISE!!! These warmups were both making me feel at peace, and also like every line was a battle. I started with the page skipping, and for some reason my brain kept trying to draw very big swoopy S shapes, so I was trying to brand out a bit. Then I tried to do the different line variations from light to dark. The straight tapers were my biggest challenge for real, I notice that many times when I try and draw a straight line, it’ll start out with this weird divot that droops down before straightening itself. I’m gonna be working on that and figuring out why it’s even doing that anyway lol. Then I did some connect the dots! Overall these were some fun exercises that warmed me up both mentally and physically because I have really cold hands.
Came to say that, lol
I redid the snail and boots. Got stumped on the shoelaces. Critique more than welcome
Melanie Scearce
It looks like you were on to something with the shoe laces in your first attempt. It may be a matter of getting worn out by the time you get to the shoelaces -- if that's the case, maybe try taking a break before you start so you can begin with fresh eyes. It may help you to try very lightly drawing an "envelope" that encompasses the overall shape of the object. These will be a few light lines meant to help you control the size of the overall drawing so you don't worry about running out of room or changing proportions to make sure the drawing doesn't run off the page. It doesn't have to be exact, just enough get the general proportions accurate. Hope that helps!
I struggled with the boots so much
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nice work filling the whole page!
Asked for help
Trying to make them a bit more whimsical was harder than I thought
Here is my pear. It isn't as neat as I wished
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