Getting better but the more detail I have the more distorted it feels. Worried about moving on to the facial features but I guess I'm just gonna need to practice more.
20 Heads. 10 drawovers: THe first ten, reference from lesson videos.
10 start to finish using provided references.
I still have some issues with the heads from below and getting the jaw shape.
Something I've started doing is using the 3rds of the face from head on or profile and trying to place those in the other views to help get the proportions a bit more aligned.
And, as a big surprise to me, when I use the timer, I'm much more thoughtful about the use of that time and usually get it done in 10 minutes. The from-under views have take me a bit longer. But without the timer, I have NO IDEA how long I'm fiddling around, erasing, undoing, etc, before I get to the end. It really helps focus the mind.
My attempt at the 8 Step Method. I started by returning to the drawings from the previous exercise. Then the new references. I struggled a lot with some of them (mainly with number 8) and only did tracing on number 5 to try to understand the shapes.
I finally put my drawings side by side with the reference, which really helped me to see the issues. I have a habit of making the faces too wide and not shaving down the sides enough. When there's a tilt upward, I tend to not make the tilt dramatic enough.
Here are my 20 constructions with the 8-Step Method. Some are done fast, while others took me more time. I had to adjust a couple that were completely off!
Great head construction drawings! I know it’s not part of the assignment, but I think some neck anatomy could improve these drawings. Especially the angles where you can see under the chin.
Great work on the faces!
10 from previous drawings
10 from new references
I'm struggling this week and feel like I take longer to do the whole head from nothing to basic structure. I'll try to practice some more before moving on.
Hello. Not perfect . But I really enjoyed this assignment. I hope at least one think will be right. For me, the most difficult pose was from the front. thank you for the lesson maestro.
Educator, painter, writer, and art historian. Author of Figure Drawing: Design and Invention.
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Complete 20 portrait drawings using the full 8 Step Method.
Half of these should build upon previous work and the other half should start from scratch using the reference images provided in the downloads tab.
Each drawing should ideally be completed in a 10-minute timeframe, although extending to 15 minutes is acceptable.