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added comment inProject - Value Scales
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This is honestly the most I've struggled with an assignment so far. I attempted this a lot using graphite and markers. Using markers almost feels impossible, you can see in the 4th image, it looks like the N3 marker is lighter in value than the N2. The graphite was also extremely hard for me, no matter how many times I went back and adjusted values I never felt like I got it right. Currently the pencils I have are, 2H, HB, 3B, 5B, 7B, 9B. I got these as a gift so I thought I might as well use them, and I don't think the pencils are the main problem but I'm starting to feel like I should go out and buy the recommend range.
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Getting better but the more detail I have the more distorted it feels. Worried about moving on to the facial features but I guess I'm just gonna need to practice more.
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This was really hard, I felt like I put too much detail sometimes and guessed the anatomy a lot because I'm not familiar with it. Feel liked I learned a lot through this assignment though.
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This is my assignment for proportions. I feel like I got the hang of it more as I kept doing it but I keep messing up the chin length in some places and I noticed that I don't cut off the sides of the head correctly at some hard angles. I have a lot of trouble with the really drastic angles.
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Did these throughout the week while slowly watching the critique video. I tried to use a variety of reference I could find on Pinterest. The last 2 sets are after I finished the video. Feel like I got a lot better but need to still work more on hard poses and wrapping lines.
This is a bunch of 2 minute quick sketch that I did over multiple days. These are really fun to do so I will keep up the daily routine of them. Some poses can be really hard and I mess up proportion a lot but I hope to improve with time : )
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Here's the attempts I did, drawing from memory is hard and drawing from a different angle is even harder. Had a lot of trouble with this project. Should probably try it again with some different poses.
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Here are my level 1 and 2 attempts after each video. Definitely felt like I improved a little bit, I think I had the most trouble with some of the photo references and then just thinking of new torso poses from imagination that I haven't done was hard too.
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Tried to put some gesture in the first one but the more I added the more stiff it got, so when I did the tree I tried to push it even more but I almost feel like I broke the perspective in some places. Still like the idea I had, this was a fun project. Also I have no idea how to draw leaves on a tree so it just turned into scribbles in some areas.
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Had a lot of fun drawing these and I'm pretty proud of the result. Probably still a lot of problems and places to improve but I'm still happy with what I got.