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Ter L
added comment inProject - 8 Step Method
Asked for help
Here are some sketches. Seems like I still have trouble with proportions. Forehead perspective throws me off as well.
Ter L
Asked for help
hello, here are some sketches. I kinda have my own way of drawing necks, so I combined what was taught with my own method.
Ter L
Asked for help
here's week 3 submission. Had some trouble at first so I did a few more. All in all, this was a fun challenge!
Ter L
Asked for help
Here's my week 2 submission. I seem to be getting in the flow after the first week :P
Ter L
Asked for help
Hello, I tried some form intersections. Boxes are easy enough, but anything rounded and my brain gets overloaded. I think the biggest challenge is that it's hard to check whether it's correct or not, as there are not many resources out there to compare with...