Building Facial Features Step-by-Step
Building Facial Features Step-by-Step
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Head Drawing and Construction

Perspective Forms of the Face and Features

Building Facial Features Step-by-Step


Building Facial Features Step-by-Step

Michael Hampton
Let’s move onto Step 7! In this lesson, we’ll start with a review of the side plane of the head and locating key points like the hairline and jaw. Then we’ll move onto building up the eye sockets and nose using simple shapes.
I have been taught mid head top to bottom should be mid eye. I find following your steps top half falls short. Am I wrong or am I doing something wrong? Thanks for any help.
Michael Hampton
All good. You can substitute whatever proportional breakdown you want at this point. I find this is best especially when working from views other than straight on.
I've been wondering about the diagonal line across the cheek/jaw you often draw after the Loomis cheek rhythm. Is this just a contour describing the form or a plane change between the lower cheek and upper cheek?
Michael Hampton
I'm not sure I know which line you're referring to?
Hello ! Thank you for your course, everything so far is really complete to follow for me, and it's so good to see my progress. However, I am having a bit of a problem with the front face her. I've tried 4 times trying to get your result, but impossible, as you suggest, I went from every steps, trying to see where was my mistakes, but I don't seem to find what is wrong... The planes always end up disproportionnate and the jaw squished when I try to use thoses planes.. If anyone could take a look, I am struggling so much with this one, thank you for your time!
So I made another attempt. Things are not that symmetrical, it's maybe why it's not that good, but I think it's better?
Jerus Taan
I like cheese
Michael Hampton
So good 🧀
Have a charcuterie board while doing the homework 🧀
Follow along finishing up the other three, looking forward to further development of other features!
Very good, ejsilapas!
Sorry, can you remind me what is step 5?
Sean Ramsey
These are all the steps! 1) Shape 2) Tilt 3) Jaw 4) Perspective 5) Proportions 6) Side Plane 7) Eye Sockets 8) Nose 9) Mouth 10) Chin 11) Fat
Following along and greatest anxiety comes around the keystone, really feels like if that is off to a certain degree then everything would fall apart. Another concern is the curve within the eye socket that relates to the canthal ligament and forms that beautiful spiral and inner plane. I’m not sure if there’s a specific landmark we should be referencing to ensure high wide or narrow that spiral is or where it tapers at the top and bottom of curve and how that plane develops. You do mention that ligament and made a rectangle around it however I’m unsure of how to go from there… Or, am I fixating on this part too much and we will go into better detail later?
Michael Hampton
Looking good! You're off to a good start here. I think it's just a matter of repetition to get comfortable with some of the steps and pieces. And ya, don't worry about too much with the specifics yet. Try and knock out a bunch of these just to this point.
Trying to summarize this here from memory, had to make some corrections to the face and trying to catch my own mistakes. Hope for just a bit of input here from Michael Hampton on anything to make better. These were invented, then I consulted Michael's book to double check and tried to fix it from there.
Michael Hampton
Nicely done. I'd double check the proportions. They're super close but the eye sockets look a little tall in the drawing on the right. On the left side be show you depict the nose from above to match the overall perspective view of the head. That's it :)
been waiting for this one! Really puts the others more into perspective as well. Not really able to develop the eye socket in 3d like you did for the front view at the end, but I'll assume we'll go more into that in later lessons
Ooh nice one, csen! Yes, we're gunna develop the eye more in a later lesson :) stay tuned, and keep making more awesome drawings!
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Educator, painter, writer, and art historian. Author of Figure Drawing: Design and Invention.
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