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Skull studies + from memory skull studies (fixed 8-9-10 by looking back at my refs) :/
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This is my final assignment for the head drawing and construction course. I did the five drawings from the previous one and the five new ones. I did some basic shading because why not? I still need a lot of practice but I feel like this class sent me on the right path. I love Michael's teaching and I feel I have improved drawing the head. Most importantly, as I got further into each lesson, I understood that the method is awesome for inventions. (You could have a construction from one reference and change the features and lighting and design something different) If you can read this and have not taken this course, don't hesitate.
These are awesome. I'm on the second lesson right now. Really enjoying the course. Would be cool to see some of your stuff before you go the course.
I followed Michael's complete construction video as recommended. I did a quick 1-minute shading pass on top just to see if it held up! :D
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Here are my 20 constructions with the 8-Step Method. Some are done fast, while others took me more time. I had to adjust a couple that were completely off!
Rachel Dawn Owens
Great head construction drawings! I know it’s not part of the assignment, but I think some neck anatomy could improve these drawings. Especially the angles where you can see under the chin. Great work on the faces!
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Proportions! I added the proportions to my existing drawings and did the 20 new drawings. Timing was around 4-6min each. I have difficulty with the gesture of the back of the head.
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My 4 step method assignment. I think i have a bad habit to put the jaw or chin mark to low! :)
Proportion and landmarks.
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Fundamentals and form intersections assignment.
Corey Cooley
Nice 👌
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Lime wedge with timer
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