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Blondie the good
added comment inAssignment - How to Draw in One-Point Perspective
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I had so much fun doing these 3d names but i admit it's a bit trickier than marshall made it look😅!,took me a couple of tries to get the gist of it.
i tried doing a ortho plane aswell with proportions in mind,don't know it turned out well or not but i'll keep trying!
Nick Quason
Very good!
Asked for help
For the line master study assignment I attempted to study Bernie Wrightson I tired to focus in on a particular feature of each drawing to try and understand his process at its simplest level and to try to make the study a bit more digestible I then tried to apply what I had learned to my own drawing (the fish) to kind of cement some of what I had tired to study.Any advice on how I could do further studies more effectively or critiques on what I've drawn would be really appreciated thanks.
GOOD work!! Your shapes are VERY clear and your values are uniform you've made good progress! Only minor thing would be accuracy but outside the scope of this exercise and I quite like this chonccy cute pear!
Aaron St. John
Asked for help
Nicely done, as for a bit of feedback, I have two:
- consolidate your value scale. make sure that every one is distinct and consistent. Repeat and practice many times filling those squares.
- make your light and shadow shapes clear. You did good here but some edges are unclear, Only fill within those boundaries with the right value and try not to go over the edges, you only want to break down the subject into 5 values, making things smooth and transitions will come later!
Good luck!
Asked for help
I know this lesson was intended mostly for traditional materials, but I thought it would be an interesting challenge to see how much of it I could apply digitally.
The first page is me experimenting with the round mixing brush in CSP. I discovered that it does not blend very smoothly - you can decent results if you go over and over and over the same area, but it's very time-consuming.
The second page is me trying out a bunch of different brushes, most of them CSP default brushes. I tried messing with the brush settings as well as my pen's pressure sensitivity. My biggest takeaway was that digital brushes are absolutely not born equal when it comes to blending. Some of them blend really nicely, but most of them just overlay the second stroke on top of the first, making it basically impossible to fill an area evenly. Thankfully I did discover a few good brushes. Gouache was my favorite!
Page 3 is me making boxes and torsos with the Gouache brush. After all my practice I feel like I still have a hard time making things feel 3D. Further research is needed.
Great job! My only suggestion would be to try and be more uniform with the pencil strokes (fewer overlaps and blank spaces), you can try to lock your value with minimal opacity pressure to still get that organic pressure hatching.
Phoenix Baldwin
Another great breakdown, Marshall! The composition of that round room is so graceful with the action of the staircase. I'm working to apply similar thinking to the images I've been collecting... doing so definitely has been showing me how underdeveloped my visual eye for Perspective is. I can identify, roughly, the vanishing point on clear one-point perspective images. But I get pretty lost in more complex scenes. I think continuing to break down images like this and doing sketches beside - rather than on top of! - the images, is helping in that!
Nick Quason
Mind blown again! I'm going to study and redraw everything in this video. I love the differences already between interior and exterior, wide and close lenses, and most importantly touching on the subject of technicality vs aesthetic, which is immensely underrated in most perspective courses or videos, where they jump straight into vanishing points and what-have-you.
These elements talked about here feel like the core of perspective and how to really use it; something I've been looking for, for years. And it was just a two-minute video. Honestly can't wait for the actual lessons.
Linus Lehmann
I drew this waterfall from imagination and without any reference, to find out how good my understanding is. Overall im really happy with the result, however I think I need to take another look at the shapes the water has while its falling down.
I also made some effort to make some good use of lineweight as suggested by @Nick Quason. Im really happy with it! I think it already looks a lot more professional. Im obviously not a master at lineweight just yet (all I did was trying to make lines that are closer to the viewer thicker), but im impressed with the difference it already makes. Thank you so much again for your feedback Nick!
I mean if everyone is posting their studies I had to do one too. 30 minutes on the dot. Used a live waterfall youtube stream and honestly it's way harder to try to see order in running water than i thought it would be
Antonio Cabrero
I applied what was discussed here and I am blow away by the outcome. I used one roun brus and tried to vary the thickness and size of the elipses. I didnt have any reference, i just made something on the spot on scrap sheet of watercolor paper... WOW! this way of thinking about every day things might just be a game changer for me