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Ben Whitfield
added comment inProject - 4 Step Method
Asked for help
I drew 12 heads for my assignment. I think I may have the theory correct but my proportions look quite inaccurate. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated from you @Michael Hampton or anyone else taking this course. Going to watch the critiques now so I can improve.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
These were fun to do. Not sure how well I did with the construction of the shapes. I will attempt to do these again after watching the demo. Any feedback is appreciated.
Ben Whitfield
My attempt at drawing this portrait while watching Stan draw his. Proportions were a little off on length and width but not to bad. My facial features definitely need to be practiced and improved. Overall happy with my version.
Ben Whitfield
My attempt at this portrait drawing following along with Stan. I was happy with the drawing but did get confused during the measuring portion and had to watch the video a few times. After overlaying my drawing over the image in Procreate I missed a little bit in the majority of areas. Not too bad but my measurements were a little off.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
I enjoyed this lesson a lot. I am happy with my attempt but I don't have Photoshop to see how accurate I was. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
These are my level 1 attempts. Tried to not overcomplicate the shapes but that was easier said than done. Sometimes gravitated to contours without thinking. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ben Whitfield
Asked for help
Are rhythms the same thing as gestures? Or are rhythms expanding on gestures?
Asked for help
I drew the penguin and the gamer girl. I think both drawings are pretty good attempts for me but I did struggle with letting the lines flow which was the intention of the project. I find that I am very critical of every line that I draw so it makes it very challenging to let the lines I put down just flow.
Ben Whitfield
Decided to try the Level 2 Skull. Not sure my CSI's are great. Lines are a bit wobbly. Proportions are off as well.
Ben Whitfield
Second attempt after watching the demos. I did the snail following along with Stan. I attempted the boots after watching. I am not sure either is better than the first attempt, especially the boots. Those laces are tough.