Loomis Method Side View – Real-Time Demo


Loomis Method Side View – Real-Time Demo

Stan Prokopenko
Learn to draw the head from the side view using the Loomis Method with this real-time demo.
faye zhang
Yup, the tilt is off but I’m happy with my attempt.
May Berry
Hoo boy that was way too fast for me.
Here is my attempt. I would appreciate some feedback. Thank you.
Really good
I think you nailed it.
Michael Paul Caoile
Okay, before I call it a night, one more submission. I try to make mirror images by drawing it side by side as I follow along the video. Greatly appreciate any feedbacks. Thanks!
Martha Muniz
Hi Michael! :) A bit late but I hope it's still useful to you. The main thing I would say is that there's the tendency to keep the features close to the face plane marked by the basic guidelines, i.e. the edge of the loomis head. When placing the nose, it would be more helpful to mark the angle/curvature created when it protrudes out from the face plane as a guideline beforehand, in order to counteract flattening the face--like in the Emma Watson example (though note this angle changes for everyone). Some smaller notes would be to observe the indent below the mouth that marks the chin, position the eye slightly lower and inwards, and shrink the ears just a tad. I know the side profile can be a rather tricky angle, and you got pretty darn close, just some tweaks for improvement. Best of luck to you on your art journey! :)
Alex S
Samuel Sanjaya
side view drawing along
Alain Rivest
Phattara Groodpan
I wonder if it would help you to draw a larger version. It seems like it would be hard to be really accurate (at least when starting out).
Nal Nal91
my side view guy :)
John Harper
So, the skull is not a perfect circle. Yes, part of the cranium is circle-like. Mentler's, "Book of Bones" is a great resource for any artist. It's pricey, but still one of my favorite books in my library.
nice! Looking at the angle from the ear in relation with the eye, he is looking upwards. however, his chin is not pointing up in the same angle. if you would draw lines over it, these lines should be parallel. Same goes for the mouth. I hope this makes sense!
Arne Oldenhave
Videos don’t work :(
Nikita Thakur
I know I went wrong with the angle of the eyes, but overall why does this guy look so sinister? Haha
I think the large nostril mostly but he has real character so kudos on that.
Sita Rabeling
Drawn along with the vid. I like 1710 charcoal pencil, but pity that it makes such a mess. I had to erase a lot - but the circles were off anyway.
Yeah but you did a great job.
I like it.
William Horton
I wish we had the actual reference available, specifically for 4:44 in the video where he starts to plot down the reference points for where landmarks are on the face. it would be nice to follow along with him looking at what he sees so we can make accurate estimations of our own.
I agree.
James Burnette
Does anybody know where this distance comes from?
That's my Zbrush buddy !
Ernesto Palma
Ah, it is my understanding that in order to get a feel for this, you will need to study the skull in various angles. The eye brow protrudes outward to protect the fragile eye The eye socket goes deep into the skull, enough to have a whole ball inside that is about 3 times the diameter of the visible iris! Below the brow ridge, or glabella, the nasal bone protrudes outward on a 45 degree angle at about the height of the middle of the eye socket, and thus ANYTHING hitting the face from the front will inevitably hit either the tip of the nostril, or the nasal bone first, which ALSO protects the eyes deep inside. Knowing more about the purpose of the shape of the skull and viewing it and drawing it from multiple angles, multiple times, will be the price to pay to really get a feeling for that distance, my friend. I hope to see your progress sometime! :)
Sorry for poor my English, but I looks like that you can make a parallele line of the front nose from the nose wing.
Side plane drawing 1. The lips sit between the nose and the chin 1/3 away from the nose, correct?
S. Martin
Side planes practice trying to include the neck movement with It. If any advice please share. Greetings.
Wow you are way ahead of me.
Jesper Axelsson
Really nice! Just a note on anatomy: The muscle you've indicated running from behind the ear to the pit of the neck, wouldn't be in a curve like that, I think Hope this helps :)
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