Activity Feed
Here's my hand assignment. Any feedback is appreciated.
its a banger
This is day 1 of gesture drawing. I have pretty much no experience drawing, so if there's a visible fundamental mistake, please let me know!
Hello, First, it's very bold to pubish what you did. If i try to be usefull, i think its too early to draw gestures in a limited time (2mn) I personnaly tried but i saw I don't have enough experience to get a proper job in a limited time. The final goal is learning and pratice/repeating allows to be faster. Stan got a huge experience but we do not (at least me) Pick a photo and repeat again and again gesture to gather all understanding of the pose (perspective, weight etc.) helps me to improve and put what I learnt in others poses. And then you can do it in 2mn. Takes a life time. Hope that helps
Hi everyone, here are my attemps for hands assignments. Have a nice Sunday!
too much draw power for one man, share a bit
Here is my first attempt. I'm not sure what the best way to study this is. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm not really sure how to tell if I'm correct.
I want to be honest and usefull so : First, its very bold to publish what you did. but you seem to draw the right image and add the complicated anatomical names of the body. You may go too fast. Because I do not feel gesture or the bean stuff in the man you drawn. Globally, you learnt name before forms, and there is no anatomical names in good drawings. You should come back to bean stuff and gesture until you get deep understanding of those fundamentals. From humble experience, Anatomical name comes naturaly as you keep doing mistakes and try to correct it. (You'll mistake so much times that names will come before forms unfortunatly) haha good luck. I've been 1 week just on beans but i'm good with it. Hope that's help
James Burnette
Does anybody know where this distance comes from?
That's my Zbrush buddy !
Ferencz Erzsebet
Trying to draw quick 2-3 minutes gesture drawings based on poses found on the SketchDaily site. Any feedback, suggestion to improvements are more than welcome. Thank you
awesome flow i want the same
Robin Laurent
Hello, I would like to know if my anatomy in synthetic form is good. I am trying to draw a good representation without too much detail. Thanks in advance ✌️ ( i'm frensh, my engish isn't very good )
Les dessins sont cool, sur le deuxième, ton sacrum semble plat, c'est difficile en perspective mais il est diagonal de l'interieur à l'exterieur. Il passe sous le Posterior superior illiac spine (PSIS). Sous cette forme actuelle les fesses seraient plates . Sur le 4eme dessin ca semble correct. Courage
ur damn good
Marco Sordi
2022/4/8. Good afternoon everybody. Here's my second attempt for the ex. #1. Thanks.
pretty clean !
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