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Christopher Lebreault
added comment inQuicksketch Assignment Examples - 2 Minute Poses
Hello! Please see my 45 sec and 2 min gestures. For these I tried to focus more on getting whatever it is was able to get on paper fluid rather than finishing by the end of time and rushing. I found the the pelvic and toro areas (seperately) as a whole, meaning itself and how things connect to it, were a big pressure point for myself.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

S. Martin
Very nice work but its obvious you have still a lot to understand about the body and its forms. Keep practicing, learning and dont give up 💪, some of them look almost nice!
They look great overall, very nice proportions. Maybe some look a bit rigid if you compare them with Proko's figures, but p.e your second one in the bottom line looks beautiful. You are almost very good, dont give up 💪 .
After 30sec exercises 2 mins feels like a long time. Usually I’m done after a minute.
I tried sketching each twice. Once by myself (left), and once following Stan’s sketch (right) to break down how he thinks about it vs me. You can clearly see a difference.
Are you sure you dont need the 2 minutes? Your draws feel like contours and thats like the opposite of the excercice's intention. Rewatch the lesson, keep copying Proko and do not give up 💪
S. Martin
Im confused. If the 6 first cervicals are invisible cos of ligaments... and if the 7th is so big it is a Landmark when we bend forward... Which vertebrae are showing in the photo? I can see 3 vertebrae... Guessing the middle and biggest one is the 7th cervical.... which one is the one before and the one after? Is the first one the 6th cervical? Then cervicals were not that hidden, or is it the 7th vertical and the follower biggest one is the first thoracic?
Thx for your attention.
I was confused by this too. But judging by this image it seems clear to me that the 6th would be completely invisible since it's so far buried by that ligament he mentioned. So I'm going to assume the 7th is the first one we can see, at the top of the diamond. The second, more prominent one, must be the 1st thoracic.
S. Martin
Just a simple student but I think is just a sphere with an indicator of the 3 axis: Longitudinal (top to bot), transversal (left to right) and anteroposterior (front to back). Is like a beach ball with different colors.
Artist has to choose a point where 2 of the axis meet (long.+trans., trans+antero, or antero+long.), then draw the other one missing. In a sphere you cant meet the 3 at the same time. Maybe you can help yourself getting a polyspan sphere (they are so cheap) and putting around rubber bands, ponytail holders(?) Sorry, not native.
I hope this helped, greetings!
Wow you have a lot of mannequins. I like this a lot, very dramatized. I like very dynamic figures as you can see heh
Im currently doing the portrait course but also have the figure one, you make me wonna start already :D
Greetings and keep it up!
Oh yeah, construction looks good but the foundation is clearly wrong, thats why they look like smashed(?) Doing circles would help, but meanwhile you get the hang of it, you could just start with circles made with a compass. Is not very legit but saves a lot of frustration at the beginning :)
today's quick study, this one went faster than before
Shapes are nice! Maybe slacking a bit of volume in the booty? Like, the way the left leg in the bottom line comes out at the same level as the W shape of the botty, maybe you could do it more dramatic so its clearer and more dinamic.
So I've been trying these for a few weeks now, I'd like to go on to the bean but hopefully I can have some feedback before. These are just some but i've done a bunch already, tried 2 min, 30 sec, 5 lines + head, and 2 min using charcoal as sugested buy proko (you can see the darker lines) these have been particularly difficult, trying the overhand grip while drawing either on my lap or on a desk, plus trying to get the gesture right has been very challenging, and the charcoal pencil on its own is kinda hard to use, but I guess I'll get accustomed to it.
Any comments, critique or feedback would be greatly appreciated!!