How to Practice and Check Your Measuring
How to Practice and Check Your Measuring
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Figure Drawing Fundamentals


How to Practice and Check Your Measuring


How to Practice and Check Your Measuring


Measuring the Figure

Choose one of the methods I describe in the lesson above. Either digital or traditional. Practice laying in a figure drawing pose and use the measuring techniques you learned. You can use the photo provided in the downloads, or any other pose you like in my pose sets.

Nicole Guz
Steps I did: 1 Layin 2 Measurement check by putting the drawing above reference image 3 Applying Corrections 4 add details Trying to study proportion and I was wondering if this is the way? Let me know if there are alternatives
Rachel Dawn Owens
These look great! Here’s another way you can double check your proportions. Especially if there’s any photo distortion in the reference. Put down the reference and step back from your drawing for a moment to notice how the whole figure fits together. This will help you as you move along in your drawing journey. Keep it up! Thanks for sharing!
Billy Morris
Some figure drawings with an emphasis on measuring. There in order from oldest to newest. I gave myself no time limit after I finished one I would check to see if it measures up, then draw it again right after and check if i got any more accurate. I feel that I have relatively the same margin of error overall. Any feedback would be much apreciated
It looks like the head measurements helped a lot with the height, should've done the same for the width.
Samuel Sanjaya
Focusing on getting the proportion right, only on one figure. I redraw it from the scratch everytime there's a mistake. On my 6th attempt I just re-draw what needs to be fixed. I think I'm going to settle on close enough is good enough. I wonder if it's more efficient to do it like this or just erase and re-draw thing that needs to be fixed ?
Samuel Sanjaya
Did another measuring assingment again. Any feedbacks will be greatly appreciated
Samuel Sanjaya
at least the torso seems about right, not as off as the previous one I guess. Any critiques are welcome
The more I do these exercises, the more off it becomes, especially sideways! Any tips? I am trying to disregard my extremely uncomfortable digital setup since I currently have no other option. I have a very hard time relating the head to the middle line. I always start with the head, establish a vertical line and then divide it into head lengths as measured. Horizontal lines are the hardest for me to find! Maybe that's why there's such an offset mistake.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @kotka, these are really nice! - It might help to find and add a horizontal halfway point (and do the same with vertical if you aren't already). To practice major accuracy more efficiently you could disregard the details and do a lay-in with fewer lines, then check your result right away. Hope this helps :)
Sandra Süsser
Somehow these measured studies get way more off than my usual ones. question: how do you go about finding the side points (farthest points left and right) better after establishing the height line with the center? This is where I still have the most trouble.
I feel exactly the same! When I think of measuring I always am more off.
The Angle study is really clever. Your line are super confident. I have the same issues finding measurement lines to the side, but have an easier point when I can try and focus on areas of negative space to help measure them out! Great work! Keep it up!
Adam Wiebner
Perhaps try using multiple plumb lines that are purely vertical and horizontal in addition to the envelope method and triangulation lines you use very well shown here. Straight up down and side to side is less prone to error than eye-ing acute and obtuse angle accuracy. Hope that helps.
Well it's... the definition of "off" :D
Hi, I used the traditional method. As you can tell mine is way off. I have a tendency to draw big and in this assignment I had to draw small which I think kind of threw me off.
Here are some of my assignments for the measuring technique. I still have a long way to go.
Alexander Wegner
Hello! I have just finished this drawibg of Yoni 282. I'm aware that the left leg is to wide. Critiques are welcomed!
Alexander Wegner
Hi! I did this drawing of Yoni 124. Critiques are apreciated, thank you!
Kelly Dembowski
Just played around with some Brague drawings from Charles Brague Drawing course.
Alexander Wegner
I have just done this figure drawing of Yoni. I would really apreciate some critique. Thank you! The image is Yoni 249.
Serena Marenco
Hi Alexander, the head seems a bit too big.
Bradwynn Jones
Head looks too big and is throwing off the proportions a bit. Take a measure of the length of his head as a unit of measuring. Then count how many of those heads his pose is in length from tip of hand on floor to tip of toe. I like the box form shape you made for the shoulder. Those mother forms are great to use in constructing the figure. Also you can use negative spaces to check things. For example look at the negative space between the legs. It's shape is drawn slightly different from the photo. It looks like the angle of the lower leg needs to be changed. May be why that lower leg looks a bit too small. Negative spaces save my butt all the time. They are a great way to check the drawing for errors. Good work on Yoni! I hope the critique helps
Marco Sordi
2021/3/1~7. Hi everyone. Here's my measuring exercises for this week. Thanks and goodnight.
Marco Sordi
2021/2/25. Hi everyone. Here's my today's assignment for this section. Thanks for any comment or advice. Have a good day.
Margaret Langston
6th day. I didn't really use a grid but I did mark the top and bottom for placement on the paper, and I did a lot of comparison measuring with the pencil.
Margaret Langston
5th day
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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