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added comment inFun Daily Practice- Disney expressions
Love these! What a great idea for a study.
Adam Wiebner
Thanks. This has also helped me search out new Disney films from past eras. Disney sure has like endless amount of master studies possibilities
Such a fun exercise and really well executed! Is it oil pastel?
all color was done digital in Procreate app on top of photo of my pencil practice sketchbook
So i am very curious, in addition to choosing to focus on progress, are there any other “secrets” or “truths” that are revealed now… and if you had a way to advise your younger self with old hypothetical time machine…
The 30 minute minimum is the biggest one for me. Setting the intention to never go below a certain amount. And setting that amount so I can accomplish it no matter what is THE most important.
Checkout my video on that:
There there is also...
- Finding your Big Why by combining curiosity into passion and eventually purpose
- Floors and ceilings
- Defining done to prevent burnout
- Keeping score
- Eliminating delay
- Conquering procrastination
- Getting started vs getting finished
- Reducing distractions
And maybe a few others that I plan on including in that video series.
But if I was talking to my younger self I would say the same thing I said in the video. Start with a minimum you can accomplish every single day and focus on longevity first. Then begin adding in everything else.
Thanks Adam!
Brilliant plan! Congratulations, you’ve clearly discovered the secret to epic level determination!
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/9/29. Good morning everybody. Here’s my today’s warming up exercise. 2 mins poses. It’s incredibly different when you have to set a fast sketch that show two people interacting each other. In 2 mins you have to show a very complicated action with appropriate proportions and clean lines. Very challenging.
Impressive what can be done in 2 minutes. Appears to be a good exercise for anyone to try to avoid overthinking 🤔
Marco Sordi
Asked for help
2022/9/9. Good morning everybody. Here’s my 30 mins mannequinization. It’s not very clean due the lack of time but I think that I put the main 3D forms on the paper. The body is a little to straight maybe. Any help or advice could help me to improve my mannequinization is welcome. Thanks and have a good day.
Really good job on a very challenging pose due to camera’s unusual angle and foreshortening of pose. Something to consider is adding a little more information in mannequinization of head. It would help readability of angle of mannequin head if there was indication of brow line, eye sockets, scalp line, jaw line, like Stan often does in examples. Again, really nice accuracy on proportions of body in this one.