Bradwynn Jones
Carlsbad, CA
I love art and sharing tips and tricks along with struggles of becoming a better artist and human.
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Warren Bonett
added comment inHow to Draw the Head – Front View
Loomis head attempts from photo reference. Front view.
beautiful study! very cool
Im a little too chicken to show my art on here, but I tried to incorporate some of my personal drawing style with this and the results were pretty okay! So if anyone already had a drawing style they wanted to mix with these practices, I’d say go for it!!!
Hello can get some critict please, I'm trying to be a bit cleaner with my lines
I like drawing very lightly then making another pass and darken or fix the lines. The first pass lines are so light and easy to erase or cover if doing a fully rendered drawing. I can't see your drawing clearly in photo but it looks pretty light. That's good and as dexterity increases with practice you'll be drawing with more and more control. Until then best to relax the grip on pencil to avoid making lines you can't erase if need to adjust later. Hope that made sense. Good work!
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sekond attempt
Nihi Sus
Asked for help
I wasn't sure how to practise so I just drew some figures and then tried to find the landmarks from the list. All feedback is greatly appreciated!
al Ramirez
Asked for help
hey guys I'm new to this site but my name is Alex and I'm starting to lean figure drawing. before I do the next video I did my assignment and did 50 30 second
gesture drawings. I have no clue what I'm doing but I watch the video a few times and did my best. what do you think?
Good work on the studies. It's difficult to see in these pics but I think I can still critique. Thinking about the CSI lines try to find places that the S curve will take the place of two C curves instead. This longer S curve will flow much better than the stop and go of two or three C curves. Keep these coming! You're doing great
Asked for help
Hi guys,
I am currently practicing the Loomis Head from different perspectives (3D Modell) and have noticed that I often don't hit the oval on the head correctly. Above all, it is the width that gives me a problem. Do you have a good idea how I can better assess the width? I am currently measuring it with the pencil in relation to the height. Angle sighting is not working for me because there a not many points to start with. There is a quick example of my problem in the attachment.
I like making a down and dirty, quick comparative measurement from the far side cheek to back of jaw just in front of the ear and compair that width to length of face fom chin to brow. Often times the width will be very close to the distance from bottom of chin to brow. Sometimes it's much longer. This helps me to quickly get an understanding of the width to length of the face in the perspective of the pose. Here attached are a couple of examples and variations in the relationship of width to length. The red lines for width and length are the same length. Hope that helps!
Asked for help
Hello, I seek critique for several gesture drawings I did recently.
Nearly all are around the 30 seconds mark but for some I took about 5 seconds longer. I often find it a bit hard to look past the contours and to just see the motion, especially with more static/stiff poses.
I had already posted some of these a couple of weeks ago but I didn't receive any response. Therefore I'm now trying again to get some feedback. Comments and Critiques are appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
Looking good! 30 seconds is tough man! Your doing great. I can see you are looking for the asymmetry in the limbs to push flow. That's great and keep looking for it. CSI lines can help also in such a time limit and trying to capture flow and gesture. Try to identify opportunities to draw the torso and legs as one big flowing shape. Keep up the great work! Hope that helps!
Michael Millan
Hello Everyone, I hope you all are doing well!! Here's my attempt of the side profile. Any feedback is always appreciated it. :)
Asked for help
I am seeking criticism on my two-minute gesture drawings. Any feedback is appreciated. Please find an image of gestures attached below.
I couldn’t help but think of the dynamic poses of athletes at the Olympics as I watched my lessons in gesture last week. My secondary goal was to be able to draw gestures of different sports so the viewer can identify the sport without any items or equipment.
Thanks in advance,
Marshall talks about trying to be emotionally empathetic to the pose the person is in. When you do gesture you empathize with the thing you are drawing. I think you are doing that really well here. I can see you are looking for the main action line also. Try to use CSI lines more in the limbs as well as that main action line. It will help the flow of the limbs.
The figures may be out of proportion but that's okay with this kind of practice. Stan and Marshall talked about this in their critique video on gesture drawing. They said..You have to do it so many times that eventually your eye will start to see it. Marshall talks about how his slow-motion figure drawings helped him to learn proportions but he feels that by doing a large amount of 1 minute gesture drawing practice he moved from making proportional mistakes often to being able to have strong control over the proportions during the white knuckled 1 minute drawing sessions.
Marshall “Forget about the proportions when you are doing gestures at least for the first several hundred."
Great work so far and keep doing these. The work will pay off big time in long figure drawings.