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added comment inMannequinization – Structure of the Human Body
Asked for help
My first mannequin, please give some feed back. I really want to get better at this.
Alexander Wegner
Hello! I've noticed a couple of things:
1-I belive you have missed out on gesture, since the legs aren't very dynamic. Also the legs are closer together and I believe you shouldn't draw the knee has a separte entity but as a part of the upper leg like a oval.
2-In this types of poses where the shoulders are facing down you should draw them as upside down pyramids, I advice you to watch the demostrations that are available.
I have done this drawing, any feedbacks are welcom. Thanks :D!
I like how you keep things simple with the boxes! other than the masculinity with strong corners, I think you did a great job :) maybe try more round shapes for the females ?
I advice you to see Stan's examples of gesture drawings. First try to do the poses yourself, then draw along Stan and finally repeat the drawing from Stan without looking at it, from memory. This will give you and insightful way on how to do a gesture drawing.
I hope that helps!
Alexander Wegner
Hello! I have just finished this drawibg of Yoni 282. I'm aware that the left leg is to wide. Critiques are welcomed!
Attila B
Hello everyone. Thanks for a bit of feedback. I know these are not great, but they are very first attempts. Trying to seek feedback early during practice to avoid getting used to mistakes.
I feel like you need to go back and practice gesture, the bean, robo bean, landmarks and structure.
The boxes from the torso don't follow perspective and they aren't based on the landarks. The arms and legs aren't really cilinders, you drew a gesture and put wrapping lines around it. Also the gesture is stiff and there isn't a flow throught the body, this is due to the "sknowman effect", watch the video again to know what I am refering to.
In conclusion you have to think of the body as different parts that combined resemble a person, so you need to know how to do all of thoose parts and based them in gesture.
Hello everyone I've just done theese drawings. It would really help me if you have any feedback. Thanks :D!
Hi Alexander! My critique is mostly for the first image. I think for this lesson it would be better to focus less on anatomy and rather try to capture the gesture using simple forms. What you did here is quite nice, but it seems the gesture was less important because of the anatomy you put on top. The gesture doesn’t seem to have been pushed to the same extent or farther than the reference. You show a good amount of understanding of the more simple forms in space and mannequinization (you did an incredible job in the third drawing), but sometimes details can distract you from and hide the things you need to focus more on. I don’t really want to say never add anatomy, but I think, in this case, focusing on drawing a nice mannequinized gesture would help anything you put on top flow a lot better. Hope this will be of some help!
Hello there! I have been drawing the mannequin for a while now but havent really gotten any critique yet, so I would love some critique so I'll work on my mistakes and move on to anatomy.