Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
One Piece of Paradise
Me draw bad, me learn do good.
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Change To ‘Atylass’ From The Game.
added comment inCritique - Simplify Pear from Observation
Sorry for being gone again, had more relocations between myself & ‘The Heart’, but now I’m ready than ever to get back into Drawing! (Plus trying to be more consistent with uploads.. hehe..)
so have some pears. (For some reason it won’t upload properly, so I’ll post an edited version)
Hello everyone. I am back from my long hiatus since finishing (& graduating) from my secondary school! Decided to start with the Drawing Basics course by @Stan Prokopenko.
I consider this a new beginning for my since I haven’t been drawing much, honestly feels good to get back into it.
Off to draw more Pears, cya!
Brief Update: I might be taking a slightly longer break than I realise, not for anything personal/irl situations, I just feel like drawing stuff that I don’t upload on my profile/portfolio.
I don’t think I’ll be gone for too long though, just gotta get back into the swing of things I step at a time. That’s what I love about being “self taught”, taking things at my once pace. Cya now!
Slight update, I may not be able to draw at all due to school projects, which requires me to *LOCK IN* as much as possible. So don’t expect anything to be posted until the 4th of March.
hope y’all have a good day.
Hey guys, sorry that I didn’t upload for the final day. As I got caught up with my search for references which often I can get too carried away with, so I hope you’re fine with no final upload for today.
I will however, try and make something for next week, and depending on how school goes. Hope you’ve had a good week. Cya next time.
Hey guys, things looking pretty good here, with @Jesper Axelsson’s challenge, it made me discover my weak point with imagination and viewing the head/hair in different perspectives, while keeping consistency with Proportions.
Even though I feel like I’ve known it already, I didn’t realise just how bad it was till I took this challenge. Guess it’s something I’ll have to tackle in the future.
Anyway, on the left is the drawing with the Reference.
On the Right is purely from imagination.
Hi @Crimson The Vixen, did you see the reply I gave to your other post?
There's some tips on an exercise there that I think will really help 😎👍
Yo guys! I’m gonna do something a little different, as I’ve gotten part 1 of the drawing done, but I din’t have time to finish part 2, and want to upload both at the same time.
I’m gonna finish off the rest of the challenge tomorrow, and read more notes from Jesper afterwards to apply to my studies.
Hope you have a good night/evening.
Hey guys, sorry but there won’t be an upload/drawing today as school has really drained me, (and kinda wasted an hour on my phone, so that’s a bummer).
Tomorrow I’ll try and upload the 3rd part of the challenge I’m attempting, as I don’t wanna force myself to draw so late with school upcoming in the morning. Good evening/Night to y’all.
Hey y’all, trying to continue more of the challenge! But first I start out with a traditional practice from observing through Reference!
Left page = Reference
Right page = Imagination
Hello again! Back with another drawing, but this time with the notion of a challenge provided by @Jesper Axelsson! I’m gonna be taking this challenge 1 step at a time, so I hope you guys enjoy it!
Hi @Crimson The Vixen! I appreaciate that you tried the challenge :) I would encourage you to keep trying it. I'll give some feedback to consider in your next drawing.
- I like the shape design in the top left drawing of page two. The shapes are simple, yet have a sense of form, and there's a nice rythm connecting them.
One thing I notice is that all your drawings look quite different from the reference of Jane. The shapes don't match. Being able to control the proportions of the shapes is going to be important as you draw from life but also when you draw from imagination. So I would suggest this next assignment:
Try drawing Jane again from the same reference. But only do ONE drawing this time. Your goal should be to have a line drawing that's an exact copy of the lines in the reference of Jane. Include everything; even face, neck and clothing. This is to help you see the drawing as a whole. Let's set the time limit to 1 hour (so that you don't get caught drawing it for too long).
I would suggest this process:
• A light drawing focusing on establishing the major volumes
• on top of which you add even smaller shapes
• then look at one line at a time and try to make them match the reference.
I hope this helps :) Let me know if you have any questions!