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I'm finding model this helpful for turning the planes of the nose in space: https://williamnguyen.artstation.com/projects/GX3Ax1 Trying without it has been difficult.
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The Main Line
Hey! I'm currently going through Samantha Youssef's book on Gesture "Movement & Form" (The forward is by Aaron Blaise who is well known around these parts). I'm Looking for some feedback. I think I understand the concepts but If anyone out there has experience with this method advice would be appreciated. Currently I'm on the Main Line and Weight Sections. Let me know how these look! thanks in advance!
David AlCord
I used the traditional technique on this one, i still ain't get used to digital art, so i made my "basic" stuff right here.
I'd buy a skateboard with that on it
This thing looks like it "flew beyond the sun before it was time"
Thomas Ekdahl
I did a blacked out skull painting for this challenge. When the room is dimly lit you have to stand in a certain angle to see the skull. The paints used are acrylic mars black and stuart semple black 2.0
That's dope
Hello, I'm looking for some feedback. There are a couple things I see. My drawing represents this man to be a bit shorter. mostly happening in the limbs. But what I'm really wondering about is the mannequinization. What are your thoughts? As you can see I wrote myself a note to simplify. I was struggling with that. I've been practicing this for a week and I'm wondering if I should move on. I've heard Stan say on the podcast to spend a week or 2 max on each lesson because the next lesson may help you. Should I move on and come back later?
If you've been going at it for a week then probably. You don't want frustration to throw up a mental block against you practicing. Try a new lesson/do a bit of drawing things you know you tend to be happy with once you're done. Give yourself a feeling of progression/achievement with other stuff for a bit if you feel stuck. I like what you've done so far. I hope you keep going. :)
you've done a great job with creating a the feeling that this figure has mass and form. Think of my suggestions as minor tweaks. Balance of the figure seems off. Like he could fall over frontwards. Draw a vertical line over your reference figure starting from the back heal of his lead foot strieght up and you'll see it goes straight through the center of his head. This is where his center of gravity is, most of his weight is on the lead foot, but some of it is on the back. But you can almost see him shifting= his weight like he's about to stand on one foot. About his back leg, When I talk about this we're using his Knee as a landmark. Ideally you want to learn to take measurements visually but I'm sure its fine for now if you find other ways to measure distance. Measure the distance from his pelvic area to his knee and from his elbow to his knee. You'll start to see that in the reference picture his knee is facing the camera more than its being portrayed in your drawing. Also the area from this knee to foot needs some adjustment after fixing the top half of the leg/knee When figuring out proportions there are different ways to measure things, one way is to look at the negative space as shapes and try to capture those shapes in your figure drawing. If you do this you'll notice that in the reference photo the guy's lead arm is closer to his head then your drawing. Same with his back or "left" arm, it's also closer to his head in the reference photo. To match these adjustments you should notice that the left pectoral muscle a bit smaller in the reference photo as well. You did really well with the shape of the head and the arms, particularly the lead arm. Your figure has a life to it. You have grasped the nature of mannequinization over all you have a lot to be proud of. A bit of refinement in the area of proportion(measuring) and foreshortening would be helpful. So id say don't quit mannequinization just yet, I mean unless you feel like you want to move on. If you do just plan on coming back to it at some point. There are other ways to work on proportion and foreshortening but doing that during mannequinization will give you satisfying results. Simplifying during mannequinization would be to not draw eyes nose mouth hair fingers toes clothes shading muscles. you don't do any of that. so you're good. What you want right now is as many reference lines, contour lines, and measurement lines. anything that aids you in learning your proportions and foreshortening so well it becomes intuitive. Once you've gotten that down to you're satisfaction then simplifying would be to not have those reference lines for measurement and contours , i mean unless they happen to be part of your finished image.
George Rabbitearl
Hi, Since I am spend the last year with gesture drawing to start a figure drawing, it is difficult for me to start with geometric shapes like in this videos. In this assignment I start with gesture for each body part and add than the form. gesture has burned into my mind :-) Hope this is no problem :-) Which advice can you give me? Thanks for any feedback :-) George
Hey George, I think you may benefit from doing "draw overs" . Watch the 2 longer videos and pause before Stan starts drawing. Go through the process he describes in the First video in this section. Then do a comparison with his results and yours. Draw over your attempt in a different color copying the differences that you see from Stan's attempt. Ask yourself why he did it that way and analyze even small differences. As he describes it does not have to be exact . For me this is process really helping me see things a differently. I hope Hope this helps.
here is my try, was so scared of making mistake line so took it very caucious, took me 1.5 hrs to draw this...Any critique is welcome
Looks beautiful, now try it fast and fearless!
Beautiful character work. What's the story of the image? How can you use the story to inform the environment? What are you trying to say?
I hope this painting is of her hunting for food to feed her, her clan and their pet dinosaurs
Hello everyone, I would love some feedback on these. The ones with pink circles I found confusing. Also as a side note, the community has been very helpful so far! So thank you in. I'm grateful for the feedback and the encouragement I have received so far. Hopefully I can return the favor soon!
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