Figure Drawing Fundamentals
The Bean
Robo Bean
Figure Drawing Demo
Closing Thoughts
Critiques of students' mannequinization drawings.
This is something I think I'll still be practicing long after I finish this course. As I learn more about anatomy (and a lot more practice), my mannequinization will become more accurate and informative I'm sure.
Kevin Patel
Hey here’s the mannequinizations I did! I appreciate any critiques. Right of the bat I think there are a few issues with proportions and I think some of the contour lines could have been better like explained in the video,
Brando Gould
Awesome work! I think the drawings are going great! You can really tell the tip and tilt of the masses, i think you've simplified well, I don't think I have a good enough eye to critique your work, i would just like to encourage you to keep going! I like seeing your notes to yourself! Are you working digitally or traditional? Its hard to tell!

After watching critique

The first try on this topic and well, is not bad i really like it. Maybe I get a little excited on the second pose and add too many shapes, I will practice more and back again to show how it is going :)

Here are my mannequinization studies from today, I was trying to get a better feel for the form of the torso. So i did a few quicker quick sketches focusing on the form of the box for ribs and pelvis. I think i tend to make the proportions for the limbs a little to long. Any tips for measuring would be appreciated along with any other critiques. Thank you for taking the time to read. :)
(The references i used were from proko, and the quickposes website)
Samuel Sanjaya
doing mannequinization study today. I measure often, but still look way off. I wonder if there's a certain disability that I have that makes me spatially impaired ? Any critiques and feedbacks are welcome
(sorry for the censoring, I also ask for feedback on another platform)
Gian Amir Calibuso
Eveline Rupenko
Hi here is the same assignment but after watching the critique video, also this time I decided to try a few drawings from imagination as well
Really nice! You have a solid grasp of the exercise. Great job with the imagination poses. Isn't it exciting to be able to do that?!
- I think there is room for more gesture. Start with a gesture drawing, then as you add the forms, try to add them with gesture in mind. You want the lines you draw to be part of a flow that connects the body and leads the viewer through the pose. Maybe you could think of every line you put down as a gesture line, but you use them to draw a geometric forms. So you draw structure, but are still in the gesture mindset.
To get stronger gesture, it might help to watch this video Sketching from Animal Footage. This one is also great Drawing Demo by Glenn Vilppu
- I think you could emphasize when an object moves toward you by making it larger. Same thing with parts that move away from you by making them smaller.
To get a stronger feeling of space it could help to keep the ground plane in mind.
- In the running pose, I think the legs are too much in a split, if you intend for it to be realistic.
Also, you could foreshorten the furthest leg more. I tend to do the same mistake in my drawings. Foreshortening doesn't come natural, so keep an extra eye on that. It helps me to imagine touching the space the figure is in. If I were to place my hand with it's back side against the figures belly, then move it in space in the direction I want the foot to be, I land in a place different from where you've placed the foot.
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work 💪😎
Gian Amir Calibuso
Oof It's really been awhile :V
Lynn Fang
Wow, really nice! Perfect line quality and mannequinization.
Low Horvath
My take away from this is to think In boxes
Andrew Huerta
Hello all. May I please receive a critique for my few sketches, I have been mainly focusing on angles and twisting. I still have trouble with the twist, even when I have rewatched and followed the lessons step by step. Any personal advice on how you approach the twisting method? Thank you.
Mark Manthorpe
Various studies into manniquinization. Image 3 was the first set of figures I did. I then focused on sections such as the arms and legs and torso. Image 1 was me using my own arm and a marker to mark out how I wanted to mannaquinize the arm, sort of going around the humerus bone.
The legs are more simplfied cylinders. Torso needs more work in places but I'm happy with it so far. 🙂
Any thoughts are welcome.

Here's my attempt at drawing mannequins. I think the proportions are a little off on a few, but hopefully I've captured the model in perspective.

Here are some mannequins. I feel like I learned a lot while making these. Feedback appreciated. :)

some mannequins. Would appreciate the feedback. I have been practicing this for a few weeks now. I don't have anything against mr Proko, I think these videos are great. But perhaps specifically for this section i feel like I was not given sufficient instruction in how to complete it. I try to watch carefully what mr Proko does in his examples, but since there is no explanation or commentary it is hard to follow along.

I can see the robo bean very clearly in yours which is great! One thing you could do is compare where the limbs are in relation to each other. The drawing in the top right could have more foreshortening to show the left leg is coming toward the viewer; comparing and measuring where the other leg is can be helpful. Another thing I noticed is your heads look too small and spherical. One thing I do (because I struggled with making my heads the wrong size) is sometimes I draw a box that a head could fit in. I feel like your doing a good job of using cylinders for the body and it looks more 3D as a result. Keep up the good work! :)
I think you have done a fine job.

Josh mcgrath
@Jesper Axelsson Hi I've finished my mannequins and I feel they look pretty good any feed back is welcome my main question is do the mannequins feel 3d and did I stiffen any of the poses?
Hi @Josh mcgrath, great job! The mannequins feel 3D and are very gestural! I also think they are enjoyable to look at on an abstract level; the lines have a nice calligraphic quality that I find beautiful!
I'll try to be really picky and see if there is anything to correct:
- In #2 & 6 I found a crosscontour that I might have changed (see paintover)
Hope this helps :)

Mannequinization studies. Feedback and critique are appreciated.

These are really good

Kiki K.
My mannequin studies. These are 2 front poses and a back pose from the Free Proko model poses. It had nudity so I was not sure if it was ok to post the reference pics. I wanted to try doing it on my own without watching Proko. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Some of my mannequin studies. Critiques welcome 🙂
very nice :)
Hello, is someone working with an anatomy book to place the mucles at the right place ? Like an anatomy book for bodybuilding for example.

Ron Kempke
Did you intend to put all of the model's weight on her bent leg?
Diana Mata
Hi. You could check out the Draftstmen podcast on Anatomy. They recommend several books and artists, but perhaps the one closest to what you are looking for is
Strength Training Anatomy by Frédéric Delavier.
Here's the link with the notes for that episode where you can find other books and references:
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About instructor
Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.