Mark Manthorpe
Glass Cascade Nebula
Studying artist refining my craft learning all the skills I need to make comics. 🙂
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Mark Manthorpe
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Working on portraits, mainly at the moment focusing on struture and proportions. I chose the 13th Doctor for having distinctive features and proportions. :P
Mark Manthorpe
Asked for help
A bunch of pears and an attempt at the level 2 (I haven't yet watched Proko's Level 2 observation, I have for the pears which helped inform how to go forward and informed me on approaching the level 2 image.)
Mark Manthorpe
Asked for help
A collection of arm bones. I think they went well. Tried to keep it simple, no elaborate shapes which use to show up on older arm bone studies.
Mark Manthorpe
Asked for help
A bunch of tracings. I'm rusty at this so trying to improve on identifying where they are in the body and the shapes. Some are really hard to figure out where they begin and end. Such as the woman's abs, that one really threw me off.
Mark Manthorpe
HeyoO. I have been gone a while and I thought I'd show what I'd been working on for the past... 11 months. xD I made a whole deck of playing cards themed around a videogame called Omori.
I learned a lot during making this, had to learn how to make a consistent style, readable icons, distinctive suits. Also learned I need to work on propotions, perspective and colours. Still though, proud of what I did. :)
Mark Manthorpe
Second attempt at the pear after watching Proko's instructions. Pencils were 2H HB 2B 4B.
Mark Manthorpe
Asked for help
Tried the pear. I think the simplification went well. Not so sure on the shading, I was working with 2H HB 2B and 4B pencils but I think it came out flat and lacks the roundedness the pear shows in the reference images.
Hi Mark, I think it is great, that you did all 3. You can go back and look at Proko's pear if you feel lost with this. I see that you didn't emphasise the core-shadow and the dark mid-tone in the 2nd and 3rd pear and you didn't give the 1st pear a dark midtone either. Doing this will help with the roundedness.
Asked for help
Sorry for the poor quality, image and paper lol. I feel fairly confident in my understanding of 30 second poses, but the 2 minute ones have me stumped.
Back when I was first starting to learn gesture I had the same issue with two minute poses. Thing is as you further study the other lessons you'll begin to intergrate what you've learned into your gesture. :)
What you have here are expressive and fairly readable. Good work.
Mark Manthorpe
Asked for help
My studies into balance. Some went well I think and some others I think need more work. I think no.5, no. 6, no. 7 and no. 10 need a do over.
Hi @Mark Manthorpe I think these look really nice! Balance is looking good, and the mannequins look really solid.
- I feel like some of these could have stronger gesture, and that's what I would work on to improve the feeling of balance. With stronger gesture you'll get a stronger feeling of force, and all the forces is what's affecting the body to either balance or fall.
If you want to keep on working on balance, do some of these, but as gesture quicksketches. Really try to feel the pose; where the forces are, where the weight is.
It might help to watch Mike Mattesi's Force Drawing Series, and draw the way he draws.
Improving Line Quality and Rhythm – FORCE Series Part 1
Drawing waterballoons interacting with other objects, from imagination, is one way to explore and better understand weights and forces XD
Hope this helps :) Keep up the good work!