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Asked for help
Asked for help
Martha Muniz
Looking good! Just remember to keep drawing through key areas that communicate form, like showing the box shape of the pelvic area and the box form of the knee that connects the two cylinders for the legs. Area like these are key to showing the 3-dimensionality of the figure and help establish the connection points properly. Keep at it and keep up the good work! :)
Martha Muniz
Nice studying! I like the twists and consistency in your forms. Just watch out for the proportions you are using to indicate the ribcage. About the top half of the current bendable area would actually be part of the ribs instead.
Jesper Axelsson
Hi @yoyoy12, nice drawings! - Your drawings have nice rhythm! Now try to include some more structure. You want you drawings to have rhythm, but also structure. See if you can get both in your drawings. If you already have lines in a leg for example, that lead the rhythm, use the other lines to show the structure. Straight lines often communicate structure. I hope this helps :)
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