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added comment inShading Light and Form – Basics
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Hello there proko peeps :)))
This is another exercise on the basics of shading. I see it as an improvement with regard to the shadow hierarchy, but the reflected light doesn't convince me in this one.
The photo has a very strong bounced light from the table. Any suggestions on how can I capture it more properly is welcome.

Your shadows stand out as being nice to me (especially the occlusion and the terminator) It could be the photo, but I think you could benefit from making the center light lighter. Also adding in a highlight would be nice. Overall I think your shadows are great and your egg looks very 3D.
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I did my practice studies digitally. Learning the different terms for the shadows and light was useful. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Amogh Sharma
I am going through the figure drawing fundamentals course, and I am the landmarks stage. All the anatomy and terminology is really intimidating. How crucial are landmarks? Can someone give me an idea of how much landmarks practice do I have to do, not to master landmarks of course, but in order to move on to the next lesson?
They are important but one thing to consider is you can always go back and review. I feel like the further I go along the more things points from previous chapters click. Here's what I've been doing: practice, watch the critique, practice more, move on. Then sometimes I'll have "ah-ha" moments later on in the course, and I'll go back to certain sections and rewatch stuff that was more difficult. So don't be too worried about it and remember you can go back when you need to :)
some mannequins. Would appreciate the feedback. I have been practicing this for a few weeks now. I don't have anything against mr Proko, I think these videos are great. But perhaps specifically for this section i feel like I was not given sufficient instruction in how to complete it. I try to watch carefully what mr Proko does in his examples, but since there is no explanation or commentary it is hard to follow along.
I can see the robo bean very clearly in yours which is great! One thing you could do is compare where the limbs are in relation to each other. The drawing in the top right could have more foreshortening to show the left leg is coming toward the viewer; comparing and measuring where the other leg is can be helpful. Another thing I noticed is your heads look too small and spherical. One thing I do (because I struggled with making my heads the wrong size) is sometimes I draw a box that a head could fit in. I feel like your doing a good job of using cylinders for the body and it looks more 3D as a result. Keep up the good work! :)
Here are some mannequins. I feel like I learned a lot while making these. Feedback appreciated. :)
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This assignment seems easy when Stab does it but is difficult when you try on your own. I’ve been on this lesson for awhile trying to figure it out. Twisting is harder for me to grasp. Any feedback you can give me is great!
I'd say improve your understanding of structure and perspective. that's the core issue not, not being able to draw twisting in robo beans.
I can relate, it was quite difficult for me to grasp this early on. It took regular practice for more than a year before my brain began to understand twisting without having to copy an example, and I still get it wrong sometimes. For me, it was just practice, practice and more practice. I watched Stan's videos, then tried to copy them on my own, then went back and watched Stan's demos again. I did this over and over. When I am bored, I'll sometimes just doodle twisting robobeans on scratch paper. It all adds up eventually. Keep at it!
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3! Let’s go!!!
Drawing people as cartoons rather than realistic was much harder than I expected. The characters were fun to make.
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For these I did a mix of digital and traditional media. It was fun to do the only curves “depressed” artwork. Any feedback is appreciated, thank you!
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Part 2 of my assignment! Four of them I got watching TV instead of in person (this felt harder which was a shock!). The master study does seem beneficial. The ones with the kids were in person and some the newest of the batch. So happy to be taking this class and excited to make improvements!
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Part 1 of my assignment. All these ones are from life. The birds I was able to draw when I went to Pet smart. The dog is my pup! I’m going to post the ones I did later as a Part 2.