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I did all these following Prokos examples... i did them my self and then compared to his and corrected.. thea are all done digitaly :)
Tony Vu
Asked for help
Haven't posted any mannequins in a while. Here are some that I did recently
Does anyone know were I can find a pose-able interactive 3d model. I need to draw different gestures like for instance angry, elated and tired. I want to learn anatomy at the same time and draw the muscles in different poses. Kind of like skelly except with muscles.
you can try clip studio paint... they have some 3D models inside, just they are pretty basic, no special muscle structure..
8 small ones i did before i watched how Proko does it in the examples, last two i did after :)
Started with few 30sec sketches and then moved on to 2 min :)
hey ,
how was the whole experience ?
what was your progress in the end ?
i am going to buy this course so wanted to know if this gonna lead me with satisfaction and worthy payment !
Hello :) here are my 30s-1min gesture drawings, some of them fell out of paper, some of them i didn`t finish in time, and some of them i repeted few times because i wasn`t happy with result :D i wold love to get some feedback :)
These all look like contour drawings. They're nice contours, but gesture isn't about the volume or outline. It's about the force or line of action.
Here are some beans :)
Zed Pagano
Hello! first time doing 30 second gestures and I'm dissatisfied, but only practice will fix that! Critique is always welcome :)!
Hi :) i think they are very good ! mine looked the same after 30 sec, it is really short time :D :D
Hello, here are some of mine gesture drawings. I tried to do them in 30 sec -1 min but failed, most of them took about 3 - 5 minutes. I was concentrating only on the movement and didn`t worry too much about proportions. I did it in photoshop :D