Draw ANY Head Type with the Loomis Method – Part 2

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Draw ANY Head Type with the Loomis Method – Part 2

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Stan Prokopenko
Adjust the Loomis Head to draw ANY head type!
Allen Gordon
Gonna keep practicing still having trouble with chin looking good in my eyes
Amani Noor (Amu)
Had fun learning how to apply the Loomis method to different head shapes! This was a really helpful lesson.
faye zhang
Did these all in one session
Rachel Dawn Owens
Nicole Guz
I started yesterday. I'm impressed with the way you teach!!! thank you very much :D
Martha Muniz
Awesome work!
I think I'm gonna make it part of predrawing exercises. The lines are still a bit messy, but feels more confident to me than they were at the beginning.
I noticed that Olivia Munn is actually tilting her head a bit, you can easily detect that by checking her 2 eyebrows which are not on the same level. Her head is tilted slightly to the right. By the logic thus far described in the course, this should mean the 'oval' rests not perfectly in the middle but a little lower. Correct? It also means all 'thirds' lines are not truly horizontal for her. Is it just me making some mental mistake or am I right?
nope, you are right about the tilt
Aadesh Maharjan
Adjusting Loomis head to any head type. Tried adding features too...I think my heads are little longer than it should be and i find it hard sometimes to hit the proportions accurately. Critiques are welcome!
Adjusting Loomis head to draw any head type exercises
How did you use the loomis method to draw the cartoon like head? I want to use it draw cartoon figures as well and to be able to exaggerate proportion, does this course teach one how to do that?
Jesper Axelsson
Cool! They feel pretty solid! - You tend to make the heads a little tall. - I would keep an extra eye on the jaw. You tend to put its start at the skull a little too far back, I think, making the jaw feel really robust. Also keep in mind that the angle of that "vertical" (it's not truly vertical on a skull I think) line vary a bit between men and women. In women I think it angles forward a bit more creating an angle of jaw that's more obtuse. Cheers!
Drawings I made following along
Vue Thao
Some exercises, I wanted to focus mostly on head forms and angles. Features need a lot of work as I still don't know how to place them properly, these are just for reference.
Young aspiring artist here,, I tried the loomis method and made some girl faces w it (and kinda adjusted some stuff to match my usual style), tips and criticisms would really be helpful!!
Marco Sordi
Supercute! Good job!!
Some non-average loomis heads
Gannon Beck
Good work!
Pretty proud of these :)
Nice try. but there is some mistake . baby 's head u draw is litter bit longer it should close to a ball shape. second drawing , left of leaps is too close to left face and too big. hope it helps .
Luan Chan
Here are my trials for not average proportions with the Loomis method.
So do I
Lynn Hann
I hope my work will be as good as yours if I keep practicing.
Do you want some critical feedback? It comes with the warning that once I point some things out, you can never un-see them! :)
Account deleted
You got it.
Some drawing from this lesson..
Some of the heads in the lesson. I did the heads wrong a few times, not sure how to make it looks like the reference. Especially the nose, I had difficulty make them in the right placement. Any critiques are welcome!
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Founder of Proko, artist and teacher of drawing, painting, and anatomy. I try to make my lessons fun and ultra packed with information.
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