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added comment inGeneral Sketch of the Head
Is there a way to turn on closed captioning? My ears are bad and distinguishing words is difficult.

I looked but have not found a way. Maybe a transcript?
this is so different from the Loomis stuff I have been working with (not much success there) and seems more in line with what I 'see' . Using 'points' to map out proportions and then creating an outline seems to be the way to go for me
I really have enjoyed the class so far.
Stan talks about imagining the Loomis head as he tries to draw the head more intuitively. I'm wondering, for those of us who don't have it down so well yet, can we fade the use of the Loomis head? I was thinking about whether you could just stop drawing the full structure step by step? If the steps are: ball, side planes, brow angle, thirds, centerline, jawline. What is the easiest to fade first? What would be the last thing?
at least for me, the hardest part is getting the 'slice' on the sphere correct so that would be the last thing to 'fade'
I found a face online to practice the method with. Since I was working digitally, I was able to save copies of my Loomis head build as I was working on it and place them next to one another.
which tools are you using digitally? I am thinking of moving my practice digital since i can save steps and then go back and see where I fell short and also using the dvantages fo being able to use 'layers' as I work along (I I have a windows desktop)
I noticed that Olivia Munn is actually tilting her head a bit, you can easily detect that by checking her 2 eyebrows which are not on the same level. Her head is tilted slightly to the right. By the logic thus far described in the course, this should mean the 'oval' rests not perfectly in the middle but a little lower. Correct?
It also means all 'thirds' lines are not truly horizontal for her.
Is it just me making some mental mistake or am I right?
I can 'see' how to create the portrait from the circle but have no clue when I find an image on the web I would like to copy as to where to place the 'guiding' circle. I have seen post where the circumference embraces the now and other times it touche lips,etc. Is there a guiding rule or just simply draw it over the image and then start placing featues? I am lost on this
Found this picture here and really liked the hair color so I tried to do the Loomis method on her:
can you 'outline' the orginal circle in your drawing? I use images I find on the net but am lost as to where to draw the original circle. in samples, sometimes it ends at nose and other times it touches the lips.